Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 88, 16 April 1894 Edition 02 — A Surfeit of Feasting. [ARTICLE]

A Surfeit of Feasting.

Tbe Annory was ag*ia tbrong ed botb oc Sitanlay afternoon and evening by patrons ot tbe ■‘Ftaat of Nalione" whieh was being presented therein. In the afternoon there was a large gathering of ‘ little men and women’’ many with the;r parents. In the evening the anilienee beeame simply » “crnsh,” bnt good natnred and most accomodating. The tableaax whieh were partaken in by roeml>ers of the various bocAhs were all well displayed and exceedingly wel! presented. The receipts. in gross is expected to be over $3.000. The American bootb in charge of Mrs. S. JB. Dole, the Hawaiian in charge of Mrs. Haalelea. tbe Englisb, Mis. J. Hhv M odebonse, tbe Frencb, Mrs. W. G. Irwin nnd tbe Ni rwegian, Mrs Schaefer are reported to Lave made tbe best returns of lbe snms obtained “for s»eet cbarity's sake.”