Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 88, 16 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HA.WA.il HOLOPA IS PVBLI8HED Everv iVftemoon ESCETT SU>'DAI BT THE Holamua Piiblishing Co. At King St. (Thomas block), Honolula, H. I. r;r j&nth. so cts. The pa;<r )« delirend by CMrriers in lbe lown ai. l Bnbarbi. >in«le (’opien f>r Bt thc N'ewi. Dealer» aad at tne OiHoe of pa'uliealioa. EDMU\D NORRIE. ■ ■ Editor\ A SRA HA Ft RMA \DEZ , - Manager , N T OTICR. All Bn«ine-s eommuniealioaa shonM be | ad<lressed to Abruham Feni:iudez, Hono- 1 Inin, H. I. Correapondence and Coniamnicntiona_for, pnhli -.ilion shonld be nddrrssed to tbe Elitor I llawnii H ilumna. Ko noiiee will be paid to auy anoiiymous eommauiealioua. 15iisinoss Cards A. P. P£TEESON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offioe: 113 Kaahumann Street, Honolnln Hawaiian Islands. CHARLES CREIGHTON. ATTOBNEY AT LAW. Offico: 113 Kaahnmann Streot, Honolnlu U»waiian Islands PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 314 Mercbant Street, Honolulu, Mutual Telepbone 415. CLAKENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTOENEY AND tX'UNSELLOR AT Law. Offioe. 01d Capitol Building, (Honolnlu Vale), adjoiniug Post Offioe, Uonolulu. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, corucr Kiug A Bethel Sts. LEWIS J. LEVEY, Eeal Estate aiul Oeneral Anctioneer. Corner Fort an l Qaecn Streeta. Honoluln Personal attontion given to Sales of Fnrnitnre, Real Estate, Stock aiul Genoral MorcLamlise. Untnal Tclephoue 23S. A. ROSA,* ATTORNEY AT LAW. No. iō Kaahnmanu St., Honolnln, Hawaiian Islamls, H. E. McINTYRE A BRO., Grocfry. Feed Store & Bakery, Corner of King ami Fort Sts., Honolnln. iCixipir© Saloon, JAMES OLDS. P*ornrroR. Fine Wine5, LiqnoPj, F;eP, ALWAY8 CN HAND, Coraer Nunma and Hoiel PwŪ īelephone 241. To«t Offioe Box 107. w7s7luce "W'ine and Spirit Merchant CamfibeU Fire-proof Blt*ck, ULEROHANT8T.. HONOLULU.