Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 88, 16 April 1894 Edition 02 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]


I . I San Francisco, Aj'r. 10.—Rev. J. Ji. Kddy li.'S resigned the pastortito of tbe Fuuth Congregational Cburch, nnd will ueeoiee an episconaI man. San Frtncisco ( Apr. 10.—St. Jolin, N. !>., reports a storra th.it has not been eqnaled in that section in ha'f a centurv. Traffic was snspendedyesterday, schoo!s closed und streets deserted. Xew Castle, Apr. 10—Mrs. C. A Cahn is a candidate against three men for the appointment as City Marshal. The Council t )OK forty ballots without a ehoiee. The Viceroy Li Hnng Chang hns rcc ived frora his Majesty the Emperor of China the “threeeyed peaeoek feather” decoration. i Only four of such decorations have ever been issned. Cliicago’s new 13oard of Aldermen will consist of forty-two j llepublicans and twenty-six Democrats. It is stated that Prosident Cleveland will go trout fishing in Maine this spriug or summer. Six Democratic Senators are connted on to vote og.iinst the , Wilson bill on aeeouui of its ineome tax rider. Florence, Apr. 10—King Hnmbeit arrived frora Venice today i and was received bv the Britisli Ambassador and military and ' civ:c authorities. Qneen M irg iret and the Crown Piinee wero a!so enthusiatically received. The Queeu of England is stopping in tbe neighborhood. The presence i of so mueh royalty has attracted | many thousands to the city. Chicago, Apr. 9 —The bursting ! of a pipe at the Humboldt school during recess caused a mad rush uf scholars. The stairs were covered with tho bodiesof unoon- , scious little ones, London. Mar. 9—A bag belonging to Ihe I5ritish Coluinbia Hank, in this city, contiining 17,800 iu bank uotes and bills, was stolen on 8atnrday from the counter of Smith, Payeu «fc Smith's Bauk. The bills are not negotiable. Ccnst;intinople. Apr. 9—The cholera is spreading here in an ] alarmiug manuer. St. Lou : s, Apr. 0 —Dr. John Howo Jeuks, Professor of Pnysiologj* and Modern Lauguages at i\’us!iington Uoiversity, died today frora blood poisoning. While dissecting a corpse last Tuesd iy Dr. Jenks cut himself in the haud and was iuoculated with poison. Formal ordora were issned by the secretary of the naw in the ■ last week of March, direct:ng j that Rear-Adrairal, AnJrew E.K. I Uenham be placed on the retired j list on April 10th. and Rear-Ad ; miral John Irwin on April lōth. ! Tboseofficcers will reach the age of (J0 years ou thoso dates. | ihree men. all armed with revolvers st iud near President j 1 CIevel«nd at public receptions to ! 1 protect hiiu from cranka. Another Monetarv Gonforence i will shortly bo ealleii together ; and it is probably that it will | ; take plaoe next Aulumu in the city of Mexico. * The l nited States Consnl at ( Auckland, New Z j aland, says of * tlie women at the first eleeliou in ] whieh they sh>roil. “I weut ! • arouud all day from the pollitg 1 precmct to another, and I am | pleased to record the fact tbat I 1 was agreeably surprise<l to noliee t tbe eool and deliberate manuer x in wliieh women discharged ihen ! £ functionsasenfranehisedcitizens. J t Throughont the dav ihe utmost | good order prevaiīed. Women • * voted first for men of the higbest t moral. social and poliiieal inte- i r grity many of whom were noi 8 alw«ys conspicttoas for ability experience or education. Altogether the resnlt of woman’s first vote in tbe politics of this conntry appears to have given satisfaction wiih the veiy nataral exeeption t of a few di8ippomted politicians 1 for whom she did not vote, and v possibiy tbe brevery interests M . Tbe Sng«r provision in tbe 3 taxiff-biil u u loiiowi: JLU U£ar» 1 3 .

■«»■■■-m ■ iininwi Unk bottoms. simps oi c*ne jaīce or beet jaice. meUd». eonc.ctrited in--lad«, concrete aad cor.centr:»ted mol >sses testing bv P* *litr»scope not abore b0 deg-ees sb&il pay a daty of one ceat a poand, aud f-_»r every additional degree or f.-action of a degree I abore S0 and not abore 90 degrees shown by polar:scope test. sball | pay one bnndred of one cent a ponad add!t»on , «l. and above 90 ! and not over 96 degrees. for everv additionaI degree or fmction of a degree shown by the polariscope tt-st. sball p y a Jaty of two and | one hnndred:hs of n cent a poond additional, and above 96 degrees by poIarīsccpe test shall p.ya daty of one rnd four tcntbs ee'nts a ponnd; rcolasses testing not above 56 degrees by the polariseope sb >ll pay a dntyof two cents a gillon; inolasses testing not above 56 deprees shall pay a duty | of fonr cents a gallon. The section of tbe tariff-bill whieh tenniaates tbe Hawaiiun treatv reads; Tbat the president i of tue t n:ted St ites shall imme- ‘ diately npoe the passage of this act give notice to tlie govermnent I of the Haweian lslands that the United Stutes intends to termīnate tbe lreaty of June 3. 1875. . made between tbe United States and bis M ijesty tbe K:ng of tbe Hawaiīan Isiands, as provided in tbe fifth artideof s,iid tre »ty. »nd it is herebv fnrtbor enacteil tbat after tbe expiration of 12 montbs from tbe tirae of giving snch noiiee, tbe said treaty sball be . terminated and its provisions cases to be obligatory upou the contracting parties tbereto. Tbe Kiiigbts of Labor of the I’nited Stat - are about to em- ! b irk upon a campaign baving for its object tiie removal of tbe negroes from tbe Uuited States,' and tbeir colocization in tbe Congo basin Lioer.a or some part of Africa. The Sensto committee en naval affairs aas make pablic tbe bill Secretary Herbert bas pra- \ pared as a remedy for existing | con>litions in regird to line offi- , cers of the navy. It m >kes tbe list of tbe navy consist of 20 rearadmirals, 60 captains, 100 eom- i manders, 71 lientenaut C<im- j J raanders. 250 I : eutenants aud 75 | l'enton»nts of jonior grade. lt i abolisbes tbe grade of Commodore. Tbe bil! as a whole raeets witb tbe favorof rbe committe. Tbe narrowest neek of land i between tbe Atlantic and Piicific j i oceans is iu tbo nortbwestern ! e <rner of S.»atb Araerica, wbere ' ; tlie tides of tie oceans uppmaeh ! within 18 iu.les of eneh otber. j It is now proposed to cut a eaual j across tliis neek. abandoniug botb I Panama and Nicaragua.