Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 92, 20 April 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Oompany [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Oompany

HoxoLrLC, April 12, 1894. , Alahama pays its leg!s! itors $4 per day. The ‘Pan3y i> be>t and eheapesti Maine pays iis legisl itors per annnm. Trv the Jones Locked Fence for economy! \Vvomiug is the Biby State iu the Union. The Jones Locked Fence for streagth! New Tork City is built on 41 square miles. Enclosed wit!i the Joues wire Fence, Tammanyism woukl stay there! Chicago has an area of IHO square miles. Th e Aerinctor will snpph wate to the world! Petersburg, Ya., covers 3 square ; miles. Haviland China lends all others for boautv! The Soutli contains lō.549.358 white persons and 6,89S,80ti colored. Our Oil Stoves for baking save tirae aud mouey! The votiug population in the Uuited States, 1890, 13,230,- \ 168. I The Clauss bread knife does not make crurabs! Estiraated popnlaiion of the United States, 1864 . 56,580,740. The Little G5ant Rat Traps are wonders! Maine was a part of Mass!chns-j setts nntil 1820. The Fischer Steel Kange bnrns less fnel thau any others! Nevada has the fewest inhabitants; New York the greatest nnraber. London has 4,231.431 iuhabitants. Hendry’s Ready Mixed pnints are great spreadersl The G. A. R. has 403.024 inembers in the United States T!ie Hawaiian Hardware Co., le.ids iu evervthing! New York States sent 448,850 men iu the Union Army. Bird cages eitber brass or painted wire at Hawaiian Hardware Co! Mississippi h>d 545 men in the Union Army. Table cntlery and scissors at the Hawaiian Hardware Co! Theosf»pLy was fonuded iu New York in 1875. Bradley «fc Hubbard Lamps rival tbe sunlight! The tyj»ewriter was first tho' T ght of by Henry Mill 200 years ago. Poi Bowls at tbe Hawuiian Hardware Co! Ohio is the greatest sh«?ep raisiug Etate in the Union. The Hawaiiau Hardware Co., i organized fonr years ago, has gone to the top of the ladder by selling goods at low prices, and being “ up to date ’ iu eaeh of its many lines. HawaM flartiare ICo., 337 Fc<rt Stre*>t.