Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 92, 20 April 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

H, MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND Provision Mercliants 9S Fort Street. - Hoaolola Familios. Plantations and Ships snpplie<il with choicest Furo}*an «.(.* American GrocerU* California Pnxlnce by Every Ste ucer. OCEAM(' SteamsliipCo Timo Table. LIXE. |s. S. Al'STRALIA. Arrive Hon <!u!u Le;»re Honolnlu fnim S, F, ror S, F. Feb. 24 Mar. 31. Mar. 24 Mar. 3. t Apr. 21 Apr. 28. May 19 May. 2(5. Jime 16 June 23. r riirou<2jli j From San Fnn. for Sjdnej'. Arrive Honolnhi From Svduev for San Franci.sco. Leavo Honolnlu. Lon^ Brancli BATHING Establishment. This First-class Dathing Re.sort has been enlarged and is now opeu to the puhlio. It is the best p!ace on ti«e islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay otf. Special aeeomrnodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass tbe door every balt hourand on Satnrdays aml Sundays ever>fifteen minntes. 0. J. SHĒRWOOD Proprietor. ' N( >TICETho partnerebip heretofore existiug between J’rederick Harrisou »nd Arthur Harrison. under the firm nam« of Harrison Bros. as Contractors au«l Builders. has been.by rantual consent dissolved. and all parties owing said £rm »re hereby notrficd that payment |of the sarae must be made to Frederick Harrisou, who is authorized to settle said bnsiness within thiity days from date. Fbei>erick Harhisox, Arthtb Haebisox. Honoialu. H. I.. March 27th. 1394 mar 2-s—lw. ! LEWIS & C0„ WhDlesale and Retail Gro : AXD PKOVI8ION DEALERS. FIESR CAL1F0RNIA S1LM0S ONICB By E»efr 6m Fnmcutoo Steamer. Salt Salmox ix Bahrels A SrECIALT7. iii Fvr\ Sl. % Hone'u'u. Tel.\ i4 o, P. O Pox