Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 92, 20 April 1894 — AGAIN IN FAVOR. [ARTICLE]


Sa?oad Performincs of the Dailey Company. “Wife or no Wife' a melodrama, heli the boards at the Hawaiian Opera House Ust even- j ing on the oceasion of the second . perforraanceof theDaileyTronpe. ; at the first performance. the honse was crowJed. and the audience present was fal!v as appreci;itīve. The progress of tbe play praJa.«llv unfolded the plol outil at the end of the fifth aot and the close of the play, the «tory as taken frora the c’ever acting proved that the nsual •■woman" w;is tlie cause of tbe macv interesting situations. j l>riefly tol 1 tho ston' is: George a raulatto slave (,Darrel Vinton) bēlieves th.it his raaster Edward Walton (Mortimer Sqow wilfu ly seperated him from his octoroon wife bv selling her to anotber i»lanter and the mnlatto swears to be even by compelling the master to lose his w;fe, EJith W aiton Mav Nannary) RicharJ 8ingleton (Wm. Bannet) a rejectej snitor for tho hand of EJ:th unw.ttiuglv aiJs tlie scheme of the revengefnl slave by correspondence whieh is utilized , bv the innlatto aiul results in the disgraco of EJ:tb anJ the almost f ital wounding of lier liusbanl. A seaso of miU insanity affects WaUon whieh is reraoveJ by tlie | aid of an eccentric FreneU doctor (Edwin Lloyd) and the rendition I of a like scene to that in whieh lie lost his re isou. N iturallv a duel en-.i:es between the injured iiosband, aml tlie attempted i alienator of liis w fe s affection, , and that p«rt;cular part was played to tlie lif *,tbebowies nsed and the life like acting causing several of the f iint hearted in . the amlienee to shriek when the fatal blow was stnick whieh ended tbe stage caree, for tlie evening, of the vi!lian Sir.gleton. fhe mulatto George, now comes 1 in. at the last scene of all, and endeavors to destroy his niastei by arranging a draugbt of poison to be takon as melieine. Hapi»ilv an onlooker, Barney E11 iot {Char!es Conners) perceivea the i invsterious manipulation of the raed;cine glass, changes it for 1 one of orJinary water and the denoumeiit arrivesby the mulatto, t ikingthe poison, Walton taking the water, the disgraced wife bring proved innoeenl by the l ilving George and tho union of the two loving liearts of Barney Elliot and Grace Cartwright j iMiss Gene N innary) one other cbaracter not previoosly n entionMiss Euphemia Wallon a muideu annt, (Mrs. F. M Bates) 1 being left sad and lonelv. M is.s M iv N innarv niuloubtedly c irried ofi’ ihe bonors of the , eveuing heractingbeingfiuished. showing both study and proper conception. Miss Geue Nannary. Mrs. B 'tes and Mr. Conn »rs p!ayed well their parts. M*:s3rs. , Viuton and Snow performed witu j t ;at sime spirit whieh so quickly brought them iut > puklie favor on tlie first n;ght.