Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 92, 20 April 1894 — A Record Breaker. [ARTICLE]

A Record Breaker.

1 In the great 10) mile bicycle i race whieh late!y took pl iee in Sin Francisco <nd in whieh t!ie best riders in California t >r.k p »rt the world record for ten miles was taken by Alfre<l Griilith son f C*j>t;»in GriflUh of the t>ark Albert whiel» vessel is n«*w <n j >rt here. Chron ; c!e mentioning tbe ; race says: A wonderfuI performance was made on tiie thir»l relav. Alfre<l Griinth of the B>v C t > s covered the ter« nules i i 20:44. tbis isthe fa>te.st ten ro;les of tne »1 iy. and is a wor.d be.»t ng reconl.