Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 94, 23 April 1894 — THE COMING EVENTS. [ARTICLE]


What Dailey*s Company ■will do this week. t 1 ’ The company now occupying the Opera Honse has made a l.isting impression on our theutre pitrons hy their artistic renditions, and prored that versatility is their trada mark. Duriug the past week they preseuted ihree distinct styles o{ dramatic and comedy material and skeptics donbt whieh was t e raost praisewortby. I»oth artisticallv and privatfcly they aro the recipients i of uubounded admiration. [ • Cornmencing this evening with i “Forgiven” tbey present even a strouger repertoire than tho previoas one. puttingon “Forget-me-not” on Weduesday, whieh will give Miss N iunary her inilial artistic opportunity and closing on Satnrday with one of America’s greatest successes “Tho Shadows of a Great City.” The sale for eaeh play is progressiag rapidly.