Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 94, 23 April 1894 — Registration Figures. [ARTICLE]

Registration Figures.

Tbe Eegistration of voters closed Satnrday evening. April 21, with 1507 uames on the rolls. Bv | • ' ! districts the registration is as follows: First District 321 Second “ 30.* Third “ 476 j Fonrth “ 233 Fdvh “ 174 1307 Dnring the first week, 319 registered; seeond week, 303; third ; week, 375; and fonrth week, 510. | By nativity , the register is as follows: X»tire *nd lnU-e«stes...... 1S3 H»«*iiiui-fa>.<ni foreip». 101 Amehean (C. S. A.i 300 Great 5htain *nd Colonies 195 (Wnn,ui 130 Ponaeneae 416 Aii ohww. Oo LM ’

Tbe !arge?t Wmt>er regUter*l on one day \ri5l33. on April ‘21 The ;mal*kst was 22 on Apnl 12th. — AivcrU»er.