Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 95, 24 April 1894 — Another Valuable Freight. [ARTICLE]

Another Valuable Freight.

The ever iiopular steaiu r Anstralia. witb its genial an<l gsnt’emanly captaiu and otbcei-s will leave port bere on S:iturday next at noon, fur San Francisco, and as usual, will carry forward a very valu ib!e freiglit in tlie large anniber< f p«ssetigers. FolIo\ving | is tbe list uf tbose book- d to date: Mesdames.—D Nionan, E D Tenney ebibl and nm-se. H F \Vicbman and eliiM, L I> Kerr aml cbil»l, GHM«xwell DT«ylor. J Giifillan. J M Horner and 2 1 cbildren, E Newman an 1 eliikl, r B L me. S S Welcb. C Kellogg. L Sbaw. T R Foster. Ivers. Ati kinson, Cropp. Misses —Weleh (3). Ad i Jones, | Lizz e Sma tz. Clara Gi.»de, Haz zard, M Alexmder. Mr a\d Mks —C B.dte, C H HazzmL, H Isenbe»-g. Kuiraons Cr cker. Ensig'i Ptrnientfr. J. vi And«-rson. J ESra«itz. W M Fisiier TDSunpson, G 11 r.ivlor. L W Bhnn. Messus. —Rear Adminl lrwin, Lieut Ad uns, Hon Paul Isenlu-rg. j W C Wilder Jr, Charles Fdk. ! Robert \V «llnee, F H D>dand, P L Wooster. F E Bill, H A Gdes. E C McF.irl.iue, Alleu Herbert. i Monsieur Vizz.»voua, Henry C Lyon. E R Newoi’in. J Kmg. C W Pbiipot, William Duubar. R ; T Conlter. 0 R Davis, T M i Sprague, W D Niehol is, V\ A Webster, J P Bell, C O Borg->r. W B Clarke, J L Tbouip»on, M. | Hogue.