Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 97, 26 April 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Company

i April 12, 1894. Alrtbamrt pnys its logis’ators $4 j per <1 >y. Tbe ‘P.insy’ is best and elieapes‘.! M.iue puys its Iegis! itors ?1TJ) per auuum. Trv tbe Jonrs Locked Fcnce for { ee jao:ny! Wyoraiug is tbe B.by State iu tbe l’uiou. The Jones Locked Fenco f.ir strengtb’ s New Y >rk City is bailt oa 41 square uiiles. Enciose.V with the Jones wire Fence, Tamraanyism would sb«y tbere! Cbicago has an area of 180sqmre iniles. Tbe Anucfrr will £i:pp’\ wale lo tiie \vorld! Petersb>irg, Va., covers 3 square iui!es. i Haviiaml ehiua leads all others for beauty! Tiio Sonth contains 15.-»49.3r>8 \vhite p« rsans anel 6,893,800 colored. Our Oil Stoves b j r baking save tiaie uml moi»ey! The voting pnpulation in the L nited Slates, 1890, 13,230,168. The CIauss bread kuife does not make erumbs! Estiinab d poj>ul;.ticn of the Un’ted States, 1864. 56,580 740. The L : tilc Giant Kit Traps are wouders! Muine \ras a j»art of Mass<chnssctts until 1820. The F;sc!ier Steel R uige burns less fnel thau any others! Nevada bis tlie fewest in!itibit.mts; New Y*ork the greatest n«mber. Lon.lou bas 4,231,431 iubabil'ant<. ' | Hendrv’s Ready M xod paiuts are j great sj>readers! : TI:e G. A. R. bas 403.024 mem- ] 1 rs in tue Uiiited States. i Tiie Hawaiian Hardwire Co., la ieLi iu evervthiug! I New Y'ork St.it<-s sent 443.850 meu iu the Uuion Army. Bird c;>ges eit!ier hrass or j»uinted wire :>t Hawaiiau Hardware Co! Mississippi h d 545 men in the Uuiuu Army. , Table cut!ery and scissors nt tlie H iwaiiau nard\»are Co! Tbe < wphy w«s foaude»l in New York in 1875. Bradley <t Hubbard Larops riv—al the san!;ght! The typewriter was first thonght of l»y Henry Mill 200 years ago. ** Poi Bow!s at tbe Hawuiian Hardware Co! Ohio is tbe greatest sheep raising . Etate in the Union. Tbe Hawaīiau Hardware Co.. organize»l four years ago, has gone to tbe top of tbe ladder by se!ling goods ut low pricos, anu being “ ep t > date” m e;cb of its many liues. j < . i ■ ’ J Go., ] 8U? Tm»1 bU»«t>