Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 97, 26 April 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

H. MAY & Co„ Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters % A.M) Provision Merchants 1)8 Fort Streel. - Hi nolelo Fami!ies, n.iUtatioDs anil Ships snpp!ietl with choieest Eim>i*an «t Amenean Grocrrie$ CaliforuĪA Pnnluee by Every Sle->irer. OCEA X IC SteamshipCo Time Table. local r.i m; S. S. ArSTR.-Vr.IA. Arrive Hon 'nln Leire Honolola fn>m S, F. ror S, F. Fr-l>. *24 Mi«r 31. Mar. ‘24 M..r. 3.g Ai>r. ‘21 Aj r. ‘2*t. M..yl9 M «y. ‘2ri. Juno 1(5 ,1 uue ‘23. r JThroiiofU * From S.m Fr;n. f' r Sydney. Arrive Honoiulu Froiu Syilney for >San FranLlsco. Lea\e Honolulu. Long Branch BATHING Estab!ishment. This First-clnss Rat!unp liosort b r»s bcen eulurge(l aud is now open to the pubiie. It is Uie best j*'aco on tiie Ulands to enjoy a bath «nd there is no bptter jilace to l«y off. Special aeeomm‘xlations for Li<lies. Tramcar3 pass the th>or evpn,- h.tif lio<irand on Satun1ays aud Sumlays eveiy Gfteen uiiuutes. C.”J. SHERWOOD Propri«tor. N( »TICEThe lieretoforo exi»ting bet>reen Frederick Harrison nml Arthnr l!<irrison. nnder tbe firm of Harr son Bros. as Contractors and Jiaild>-rH, bns beeu by mntnal coasent dissoived, and ail parties nwing sa.d firrn j>re liert by not fied t iat pavment of the same mu.vt bo made to Frederick H«rt'ison, wlio is iutborize«l to settie said bnsiness witbin lhirtv days from date. Frkderick Harrisox, Arthib Hahhuon. Ilooolulu, H. f.. M«rch ‘27lh. 1834 mar 28—lvv. LEW1S & CG, Who!esa!e and Retai) 6ro f A SD PKOVlSION DE-\L£HS, nm CAUF0RS1A 8ALM0.N O.N ICE Every San 8teamcr. SaLT SaL3(OA' O BaRTE'3 A Sl ECIALTT, /// Par, | Sf, f Hom *i. 7V/. f\ t), ,ff, t