Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 97, 26 April 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Wber© Las Tim Murray gone T Wedaesd »y next, ia set ifor an eleeiion (?) day. The new p. g j.ostal cards were i on sale today. Biseball clubs are practicing for competition. Tl;e Volc-.no is reforted to be in a state of preat activity. T!io nf thf Paciflc will be issaed tomarrow aftemoon. — The Pear! Kirer lnnd boom is boc.ming mneh tod*y. Fnrtli**r c*indidate8 for the catr.ii)g delegiite co .test nre barred. rr Only a few ndd>tions h;tve been inaele to the )ist of passecgers by the Aostr..li:i. Rnmor, Imtli it that tbe Britisb coivet)e eiiampion will soon loave for tbe Nortb. Wenther verv vari >ble tod»v. Clouds and sanshine with fre queut rain showors. Crowded eolumna cansed omis- i sion t f tlie ‘Ci.moes Anniversary’ in j'esterday’s issue. The Japanese crniser Taka- ; eliilio has been the center of attraction daring tbe past week. - - T Mr II ty W> dehonse is reported | to !inve nmlergone a very severe oprration witli beneficial ctfect to I bls condition. Tiio ‘'Union Art Gallery” is one j of the latest additions to tlie po- i i.uli.r mid dav resorts on Mer- i cliant str>et. — ■ - - T!ie “four company” regimentnl ball tnkes ]>lHce t >n ght. Tlie Portnguese language will be very useful to guests. Tho “Shndow cf a Great City’’ r will bo the play whieh is billed to !iold the boards at the Opem Hor.se on next S..turday evening. — The Honnlnln Iron Works has been c< mpelled to reduce tlieir | force gre.it y bv reasou of the preseut depression in their business. Tliomas Lindsay, tlie father of Foiesters in Hawaii, was an b«nored guest at Court Camoes celebrutiou l.ist Teursday even ; ing. ‘ The visitors to town frora abroad have expressed mueh I leasuro at the ftcilitios otfered 1 In tlie Oihn Kiilway Co. to view 1 tlie Pearl R.ver region. Hay is now being used as a i blind for tlie importutiou oi opinm. News from a pretty goo«l “su j>er ’ is expected ou au incomi.ig sailiug vossel. The lndej>cndent Or»ler of Odd Fell«>w», celebmted at tbe Midwinter Fair yestenlrty. The loeal Odd Fcllows celebrate here to nigbt, at Harmo»y Hall. Mrs G ins the j»>pular lectaress : bns returned to town from Hdo { and iu tbe uear future wili de ; liver au illustn»ted lecture oi> { | ■■Englaud and Windsor Castle.” A verv nmghty, aod no way niee, ©d.t riul apj»ears iu tbe Tiser | iliis nii>rniug. Messrs Eua and . mmeiiUli h.tve u>U K>st auy sleep uor cbanged co!or over ihe seutimeuts exi>resseil. 1 . A rnmor curreut, to the etfect , t!iat the editur of tlie Holomi a j woold breakf st witb the Cbief | Jastiee t Peuri Harbor tomorrow I uud tliut tbe p. g. band wooKl be in atteudauce, is uutrne. Oue of t’;e disapi>oiutmeats of the day is tbe refus.il of u certain j promineiit A>nerican to ruu for \ |M>liticttl i>tfico. He hates to swoar tbut he is u p g Sen Uor Canuigbnm bas prayerfally wrestliug wUh tho peruon, but , li*u goue b«ok t » mix ;g nj'ster •ov .Uun hi tk« Aueuol