Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 97, 26 April 1894 — A Good Chance. [ARTICLE]

A Good Chance.

M »dame Edwards Moore a lady liighly recommended f.»r her ability arrived bv the Araw» and and intends to make her d im : c le here for the prose it. The I »dy who is an accomp!ished teacher, w'ill open a class for d incing nnd will ;«Iso give lessons in modern langu'ges. Theexcellent recommeml»»tiou8 from prominenl people in Austrdia and in British C ilnmhia will assist in making her enterprise a success. A dancing cl«ss ftr children is n«»w being forrned, and applic-it ! ons shonId be sent to Mad ime Ed w;«rd Moore at the E;»gle llcnse withont delay. Anybody Jesiring to leam how to speak English (and lots of onr yonng beauties nee»l it), or Freuch or G j rman, shou!d commua:cate wltb Mrs. E.lw»rJ Mx»re.

Frank Hvsnxos tl;e p. g. em's- ' snry at W.-»shiogt«»n is not «»i Hawaiiau citiz*m ouly a **»le»»izen.” He ean, nad prob«blv i will, cbange his co«t to suit all ( |»ol tical oco;;sions Why not have * an Hawaiiau cit zon in Washiqg- ! ton? “You’d die of laugbing” said a lady, ‘ if you conld see Jos e Gussman as Peck's Bad Boy. Whv I nearly s:dit myself. You onght to seo her'’' S.«tnnlay aftero»x*n next at tbe Opvra j Hoose. > ■ Not mauy “raerry nwiden», ’ | bot quite a nuruber of“tars”j wrestle daily with the invigorating beverage whieh Harry Mdter d.si>6'ises lo th>rsty and tired ! cusloti). ovef tii*f r»NCi)it’Q ( *ar.