Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 97, 26 April 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

\], E, <SfE^o IM PORTERS* 1XDJDE*\ N Grroceries, Provision3 atn Feed. EAST CORNER FORT «k KING STS. New Goods Rec d Bv evprv P.icket frora the EA»tern States an»! Eorope. Fresh C«lifornU Prodnce bv every stesmer. All on!ers faitbfaliv attemleif b'. *nd G«» ,ls deliveretl to anv part of the city FREE 0F CHAKGE. Islan l Onlers Solicited. Sat’sf;*ction Goar.in‘eetl. Post OfTic«» Rov N > Te!ei>hone N<». 9*2.

Thorouglibred OOGS for Saie THE ENGL1SH SETl EIi ‘‘Honolulu Bred ut the Glenmore Kenne’s. Berkeley. C«la. Eegistered (N31.0118) A. K. CS. B., New Y rk. Sirevl by l,«e R., winner of JVrbr nt ihe Pn; cific C«wst Fiehl Tri.il at B.-tkersheM in !SflO. he by Bo«lney (9.490) Inmi Phylli* II (2.18.'». Ro»lney, the »ire <»f I.ee K . by 1 ><v D„ fr»m Ktfe D.. 13.71-»] fr>ni Phylhs II[2 ltvT»] R.ke [212] from Phylii* 474. The dum of Honolnln t«irl was Kelle C>1>»<1stone, the only daii2hter on the Pacific Coast of Ch*mpion GUustone (113); from /,e!l. (3,864 .; bv D.in, [1,336], frum Ch.impion Petrel, [8,427]. THE POINTER ■ ‘ Honolulu Duke/ (30.8Ō3), bred at the Shabb>na Keanels. Ottiwa, Hl. i by Devonshire Sm, (7,843); from ‘ ; hiirl>s, (5,363). The D.m <>f II >:i >lnla Dake is Kelle, by laek; from Helle D. by Trinkett‘s B)ing, (4,117). Honolula Dake is thorooghly | br ke on j*he«sints. \vith st»nncli po : nts—m all-d«y d"g F>r farther p.irticulars. apjdy j to or address W. M. CUNNiNGHAM, raar 10 Anchor SalooN. I CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 F«»RT STREET, Mclnerny Blnck. J()BBERS 0F | WINE8, aufl SPIItīTS BeMEI\!T gIDEwJ\Ll$ ** (qpai]ite diu | bing Laid. Estimates given ou all kinds of 0tone, doqcpBtB \ ltfori[ CoXCIlETE A Specultt. JNO. F. BOWi.KR. janl7 3rn H. E. McINTYRE BRO., Gbocery. Feed Store i Baseby. Corner of i Kint* nnd Fort Sts.. Hnnoluln C.T. AKAN'A lailoi* 1 324 Nanann Strect A.11 CTuarautee\l To Fit and in the Latest |StyIe. Clotbes Cleaned and Reoai:ed. no]7 ,1 WANĪEO. I A BR1GHT B()Y MUST HAVE r a Lorse to deliv»ir iH<wsjiapi-ni. , Ap.ily ut the HOLOMUA OF i 7.> .m B li liiiwwk U.