Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 97, 26 April 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

POl'N D MASTERS XOTICF. J(otM l T jfi<re»» to »!! jwr*»'a>. !'■ 't th«ns *t th« lw>Trruni«ns F>"iKd *t M»kikī, tiire* »tr*Tni n;»nrs *ji i one bor»«. 1 poor ru*a m*re. i«f«t »re whit«. br»nrWd P K on r'gfct hhnl 1 poor white n-. »rr, soM-b*ok, t<nnM i( N n r< <ut hīn<l Wg. I poor ro-l m*rv, h<tis white spot oa t.-,<» foieke«<i. brau.!««l H Kon r_:fct himi 'rg; •n.l 1 iwor ml h p«, hiwn.l iu.l<-H.-nb«bh-Any peiaon or p«rrs«a» tW «nim*!s «re I t«> eo<i«? *bJ tnk«r tha >uuu<? <>n or l»i..re I2o’dock noou SATLUD.VV. MAV, *> lv»l. JAMfcb KL'KONA, Poun.l M ikiki Apr. 19. »| r Capt. Wm. Davies. INTER-ISLAND PILOT fok Any Port or Lanclingin th«* Hawaiian Islands. lnqnire at of8ce of J. S. WautR orer Spreokers Btiak. feb U-tf. DAINIPPON Hotel street iArIic£ton B!ock.) The «bove Store h<r. re«e.ve.l another S t >!eu«U«i Iuvo ce of JaPANESE )SlLK, f ANCY pOODS, Per S. S. “China.’' —rOMl Rt<lNr. - BEAUT1FUL SILK DAN CRAPE, Dr«<H» G kkU in ail sh.i<;<, plain and liimmi!. Cnshions, Th!i!o ('ov«-rs, Be<l Coverx, f!ovn«. Chenii-es, 8hawls. ii' Crape Hainiiow $\h All Colors Faucy Draperies, E1BR0IDERED HANDSER0H1EFS, D..i!Urs, S«-arf* Sa»!ies, Jackets, Ca{«. Etc., Eto. XOVELTIES: The Pneeaol the-e Goo«l» will asfoni»h v«"t. iochdiog ELEOaNĪ SiLK KIM0N081 H aml». .ru« Cinir«-tt<- C - I'iu C’nsliion-<. Silk Te* Oj».r s LAIUiE 15IINHII.L J FOB.SE KH1S Si!k Cnibrellas. lu:ht biit Htr.<t<3; Chnir Sa h1fc S!lk; B«1!i!mo B! ii<1s. tit!e<l wi*h (Sii!i*y«; Silk Lamp S!i < !«-<, new »iy!«-. J tl’ 1>T.«K vfKEF'\ » <-<>111 $1 l p. LIKKE J.»Pi5E»; l IREELLIS Can be 8et with P<»>e In tbe groau t. niee 1ir Pieuio» <>r Lnneli-H out «»( «i<«<rv, th»y eau be openeil oiit or u«r! »s • trni. COTTON t l{ UTS IX GREAT VAK KTY Ke«p-<;!fnl y Invit«*-! MRS. J. P P. COLLACO. Proprietre3s. Apr 13-3 ms LABOE BUEEAU. THE AJJERICA'S LEAOUE B«gs ic»ve to Hnnonneu that it bts estnb ishe*l an E oployiu**nt Bur*-.n iq eonneeliou wilh tl<e Amerieaii Le iguo. We will he pSeasecl to fanr.sh yon witb akiiled or anskiilecl iabor «itlio:it any fee for the -i.g giag nueli iabor. Tb«'abor enr*n«<l with ns w of tbe foliuwiug iut.on >!ities; Auieneuo, Portuguese. Hawaiiun, Germao t An<I other £aropean N ition\lities Beggin" leave to open a correspoa«Jeuco with yon oa tbis : | subject. We remain, Toar obelieut servants. Ths Ame<;icax Leīoue Empi>jy<4ENT BjkEAC. £££"" AJdres» <ill eonimunieiliuiih to rUEO, P .S£TERIX, l: ■ r“■ • UlH* i