Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 97, 26 April 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

CHEAP FURNITURE ! YIKG ¥41 &Cq. Corver of Kiug md 13*thel Sts.. Houolola, Offer a l»rge assortTieDt of fiue aud d*sirable furmtur k, whieh they 8tll ut a vtrj* low fignre. HfcdVte*ds. Bnrtaus. Me»t Safes. Wardrobes. etc.. at prices to suit evfciy body. Call and*iusf fcct for \ourselves. m r 12 VING FAT 4 CO. NA|J-yU|pO^A Ji:8T. KKCE1VE1) fn.m JA1’AN Sfcveral Kind ot Cotton Crape, Latcst Stylc of Shlrts iu ditferent quahtifcs. tjreat A$ortni0nt of porcelBin Tea Sets a Sj ecialty .Ihj)8iifcHe Lantems aud m»ny <'nrios suithble f«i Cliristinas Goods. 4)1 K1N(. hlIlElT, lleuololn. Ttlrvhco,.N K*l t'-U. Hvi 3Kf.. Mntn«l 544. n»l3 ltn Criterion Saloon l’KH AU8TBALIA. anothfci 1 nvoice of the celebr»ted JOHN WEILANU iXT^A PALE m» LAqEF^ Also, a FiirsH 1nvoice oe C7\LlfQf^NI/\ eobLS L. H. DEE, Proprietor. ,Sans Sanci HŪI'EL. WAIKIKI, HUNOLULU. First-C/ass Aeeommooations for fourists and /s/and Guests SUFER/OR BATH/HG FāCIUTī£S, Peh»te Catta?93 foe FamithS. T. A. BJMPEOK. Macag«r.