Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 97, 26 April 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

! TH E lAnheiiser-Busch Brewin<r Co. Wim the I?rize atthe A\ r Orld ? S their liLA.GrLj JBrand Beer. St Lorrs D.t 28,1893. Mes.sb3. Macfabiaxe <fc Co., L’o , Honolalu, H. I. /)rar S*rs: —We b.ive m.Aileil you a copy cf the Glol*-Democrat announein}» the gre it victory won bv t!ie AXH£X3E::-Bcsh Associatiox with tlieir "ElOLK ’ Braud of Beer. [Signed] ANHEUSEB-IUSHBEWLNG ASSOCIATIO.V. ( orderīng tbis Beei besure tousk fnr tbu ‘EACiLE ’ JJrand. <Sb Co., Mar. 11- -2md. A.jenU f»r ll<; ■•i'm HunJs. AT THE_CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. M3d2 r.t Stackton, Cal. Scpt. 23, 1893. Sire. Pronipter, 2,S05. br EPe Bnll. 75: D mi, Omee. by ]'no‘i’ie«r. 2,653. Pi‘ itnpfer is *lso the Sire of Apex, 2:26; frausit, 2:20!; \V.»!ker 2:2 b ; \Vnl«s 2:27 : Chio*. 2:24: und of the l)aius l!nlliHirtuie. 2:17 snd Vip >r, 2:23. "lk'"' i," i. i,-t bl io<, oue h;nd while foot nnd smuli stnpe in f-.ee. \Vei"at, 1,050 ponn.ls; is very stvbsh, geutle, a (jfH>d pn>dncer md » gume noe ln>rse, Wīll stau 1 f.«r a liiu.le ! nnm!ier of m irvs ut FIFTV ($50) DOLLAI«S FOK THE SKASOX, p;y ib!e at ti;. -• of service. Tuis horse «*as bred iu 1892 to forty-six mures aud produce.l forty-t\vo Cv.> is. feb 17-im D lī DAV18. 0EBWAT & PQRTER, lxobinsou BIock, Hokl St., heiween Fort and Xuuanu, Have Jrst r<rr ; v«d.|*r I t*fc / ni\i V. tl 0J : 1» « 1 1 f e1 cf FUR MTUEE Evcr lmp0rted to t’ is Conutry, Comprisi'ig Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom S:ts In Soli<l Oak, and of ihe LATEST DES.IGS r S. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED TJ T iESE SETS: WICK.BR. WiAHE3, Beaut fnl Des gns "f Wiek r >ire, co.isist ug of S0FAS, CHA1RS,-KOCKERS. etc.. > >u e.tn get tbesa in any FINISH V'».t iiHs.re. CHAIR£3, Couutless numbers of CHAIRS. in every stvle, i cIiLlsng OFFlCE and HIGH CH.\ [RS. E2ITEITSIOrr TABLES, We have bad a number of calls for t!idse f >bles. witb CīiAlitS to match. We h*ive now in stocb tlt j ia<>st BEHUT!FUL DINING R30M FU3NITURE EV£R SEEN HERE. Sideboards and Caiffoniers rr 331 ~\TA. 3VS.-s D v:\ns cover*Ml w:th PORTIERS are bec *mi*;g qnit j t’te nge in pinee of LOUNGES -we manufaciore t :e;o £0 crder, and have a latge stock of P01iTIERS to sel ct froai. BEDDI1TC-. . Gre»t Assortment of W0VEN T\ IKE MATTRESSES—Sj>r;ng. H *ir, Moss. W<*ol and Stmw Mftltres«*s 011 iiand aiul mtde to order. L1VE GEESE FEATtIERS **nd SILE FL0SS f -r P<1 ows. CRIBS. CRADLES etc. WIND0W SHADES of all colors and s. POLES. in wo<h1 or hr ss tri i*raings. Be E 133 13CK Mattresses, Loonges »nd all Uj»ho!stered F&r*iiture repaired at ivaso’»able n t<*8. CABINET MAKINO. in »11 its bmnoh«*s. by C »mpeHe >t W.wkmen. MATTING LA!D <nd īnt rior Decor-.tn g u ;der the Sapervis ou of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY.* Oor G«kxIs *re F rst CDss. and «>aT pr;ces are t e lowcst Come and 1« e >nvinoed —a tri-*l ia sTcte 1. Be'l 525. TELEPHnxrs: M f G4*>. QRT>WAY « POKIEH. B.»b»n«»on Biock. OotwoO’i t o,t »»*•* \mmnu Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. m i & 9S a e K % * 3 5 K C*> m 8? £ * * n RtSKl vr «>J^ri :i* *it