Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 97, 26 April 1894 — A Question of Taste. [ARTICLE]

A Question of Taste.

The Adv€rtii er now iippears ns the censi>r of puhlie opinion »;n<l as the priiQ3 “taster.” Judge Robertson is abnseJ bec iuse iie iloesn't adhero tō t!ie “taste" of the Adverti#er. The mimsters »re iibused hee.iu o they pn>fess t>> know how mneU the olliee of n ministcr is worth. Messrs Enn and Emmeloth nro abusf ! boCHnse they rer.lized th>it the II iwaiian Legutiou nt Washiugton is a frnnd nml thut nn ordin;iry sal >ry wouhl to sufllcieut for the iucumbent of tbatbureaa. Whut is tlie matter with the “ A<lverti<er.” Juoge .iobertson c«n fight his own battle with the editor of the Advoiit*f'\ The miuisters will probably sre tbe Adrrrtiiter and make tbings hum along iu n most O" 1 }- manner. Messrs Ena and Emmelulh, the tatest victims of the Adcerti*~r spite e.in st.vnd the criticism and ean aflml to bc ciassed t;;rongh the morning journal with “niggers” and •‘monkey-faceil'’ darkeys. We shall iu onr n< \t issue show tbe trno inwardness of iiie vote for Hawaii’s Leg.ition at Wa»bi»gton. We sball compare the present »ppropri tion witb the ap propriation < f for»ner years. Wc sball show t!io reasons of Mr. Hatch‘s friendship for t!»o pre- ] seut incuoibent—and we shall try to show tbe rec< gnized fizz!e m.ule by Mr. Hasticgs aud Mr. Th«rston, tbe pets of Mr. Hatch and :ompaDy. . 1