Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 97, 26 April 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


___________ [We do not bol-l onrselves nsponsible for the o|>inu>ns or Ihe atteiunc«s of out i , corre.siioudcnts.j EniroB Holomua: AVo wish to «sk Mr. Tini Morray f he c in in f *rni os liow Croin»vell nml b s Pur;tao nrmy tre;iteil his conntrym9n when they invaded Irel ukP? lt is a won<ler to see Mr Mumy and other true Ir:shmen, nssistins the very maeh deteri‘>rated desoen«lants of Crorawell, the arch-fiend of Ireland, (who burut tbeir .nncestors iu the Chnrches), and t!ie Purit.m offspring are now repe.iting histon* bv robbing j Haw ttii:ins of their country and oppressing them. Ireland coraptains cf England’s tvrannv over it. # Will Mr. Murmy explain, whero there is any ditferei.ce in these two c ises of Hawaii aud j * lre'.aud 1 Mr. Marray, as your conntrymen dosire Englaml to iuete ont justice to Ireland. so mete out t!ie saine fuli roe-iscre of jast ca to Hawaii. Agaiu Mr. ( 3lniTay, tiy to nn igine, tbat yoa bear the shrteks of yoar poor j coantrymen with th*ir w;ves «nd ; ( innoeeni cbiidreb as Croanrell iea«u4 tiua Uk Um fiamU. Hsd; 1

try fo pietnre yonrself tl<e lalion. Miuelbj Pnr’£«n soM:ers. , —of Uiedevil, astli»*y dr*‘Ve l’.elpIess rootl.ērs w ; tb tht*īr little ones. from tb?ir bcraes ont inv * | the epen. to so«k a sbelter; anel ! piūse aml reraember. yoa and yoar coontrvraen are doiag yonr best to crash ont < f sigbt tbe poor dowu tro.Men II.-.w tii »n« wbo never barmeil yon. Weemjnre yon by the so ;r ,1 mem ry . f thegreat DanielO’C >nuel mdtb i gn»nd anJ berice >tr. t Kob rt Emmel; we c.»njare yon to remember Hawaii when Vea read the following nob!e words n >m : Hemy Grattan the bero e dtfon* ; der of Irish rigbts. “Oar !ive« ■ are at yonr service; hat »»r I bert;es— we rcceive<l tiiera from G d. we wiil not re< : gn lbem to men. Wbere is the freodwm of trade 1 Wiiere is the secnnty of pr j>ertv ‘ Wbere is the l;berty of the p.eo ; ple / In c>.nclnsion, ws q!iote : tbe fo!lowing fr<>in t!iat gre »t Irish or itor :ird lov> r of fr ■«.! :n. Edmund Burke. Tlitte is nno thing. and oue tbii;g on!y. th.it defies mntation—tbat w 1 existed Lef«>ra t!ie world its If 1 mean justice: tli.it jnstic“ whieh emanatiiig fr un tho D.vinity bas a plaee iu t!ie breast of eaeh one of us given us f r cur gnidewitb regard to ourselvi s. and witli regard to olhers; aud wliieh will stand »ftc-r this globa is burned to ashes, onr advocato or : onr iccusi;r before tbo Gre >t Judge wlien he co*nes to e.ill i upon ns for tbe teu«r of a well spent 1 fe.” Irisbmen shouId 1 scoru tbe standunl .>f Piiritauism. Shajtrocs. — Editor Holomua: As the po!itic il sitnation of tbe S <nd is pl..cod in the hauds of tlie Uuited States of America tbrongh tiie j>r t. st of Her Mnjesty Qaeon Ltfin> k.- ' !ani, an«l we tiie law abi>l:ug citizens are now wait;ng for :m answer, und onr liands beiug forced by the actions of the G>v- < rnment j>ro tem to us und to the \vorld knowu as t!io Pro visional Governmeiit. I wonhl sugg st as i.u otfset t« the present vote being t ikeu by tlin ji. g. tii.it wro o«ll :i i.ivetii.g t.> to!l t*ic |m'uple tbut tbey ure cailed t .gjther to register tiie r iiamcs, j.lace of residence and standing us a protest ng iinst t!ie ubove uarued action of the p. g Tliut a Not<iry Pul»!ic sball s\vear for eaeli und every sigua ture so taken aud lliusjd;.ce evcrv muu on record and prove to the world (hat nur uction is tlie vo ee of tlie people and whetlier tliey be black or white tlieir sigu ture standsont bef>.re the wliolo woi l unpo!uted l»y frand and is vouehed f.»r throiigIi a legallv auth>>rized ofl5cer of tbe Government; copies of whieh sliall be j>luccd in tiie bands of every foreign representative sworn to in lcgil ; f >rm sbowing tliat we wisli to >«bide l>y the Law and Statutes. I am sure tii t bv this action th.it we s 1 1 - 1 11 gi:n onr fig!.t. for Goverii'Uent of the ]>eopl, for the )yeofyle aml by tb« und that t!ie Governmoat e.m not !<-gi.lv I stop such a meeting. CIrcu!ars to bo seut to the otiier Tshiods , <md all around th:sl-lai.d st .tiiig d»y and dute ou whieh this sball take plaee. The mcrabers signiug will be all in our f.ivor aml wiil sbow up to the w \vorld the fran I, that is being attein;ite.l «s tlie v >ice of tlie naiion fbrongh u bloodless r-volutioa und t;ie nndiplomatic 1 action of an imbecilo represent>itive of a great n ition. By tlie ojdnion eipre&3ed tbrough the repr< sentatives < f Fore’gn nntions iu 1887. we no cit z?nsbip iu or by tbe oatb tben taken, «nd .»lsotiio n ilnnliz>tiou j»aper of tbe for;ner G >vernroent h.»s bjen aekn »w!elg-d u :»«d approve<l By tbe act ous of all. an.l reserve to us onr f -rraer rigbts. At the present time tlirongb tbe revo!ntionarv pnrty we bave no rigbt and tbe t me Las r.ovr eome for us to uct Tl.:s is tbe only w.sy I ean thir.k of. wLieh will get oniversul btcking and prove a \-eritable aterloo. |n nnotber f<*nu tbis w '1 he a j»lebiscite whieh I ll.iak wīll sottle tbe qaestioa in Araeric i, providing tb »t the wbiti «nd m'>neyed men haro tha oonr igi c>f tbēir oonw:ciion < i und ael in e» j me- , iiMi wiMi tbe nal»v«»« . 1 Vo* Jc»cu. 1