Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 98, 27 April 1894 — Keep Them Out. [ARTICLE]

Keep Them Out.

Ia it possible that tbere are soxe īd-n9 in tbe beads of tbe penilemen wko are to mtke a codstitation f r H iwaii to grant the r;gbt of sntfrage to women? Tbat scbeme has been tiied in sme pl»ces—and &!way- f ti!ed, and nuder the peealia? c;rcam stances :n H««vi.i it w. ..ld pr*ve worse tban a fiilure. Wby, the wnmen cinnot raa a Feast of, N :tions withoat getting into tiie wool of eaeh otber and if they ever get a ehanee to meddle in pobtics it wonl 1 simply be h . There is pobt cs eno«:gh ia tbis country —a great de,tl t o m ieh , for tbe size uf it. but if ever t!ie doors aro opene»! t<> let the l,idies —God bles« Uiem —iuto t!ie votiag bcotbs tbe s taation w al 1 be nr:bearab!e. Let tbera stick to nicnics, tei p«rties, «linners. bigli-te:»s, Fe <<t cf N »ti..ns, pri«yer-meet:ngs and mo >a 1 g!:t - tiirting. bnt d>nt make l)fe miserable to t!ie men by iett ug lliem find polilie .1 women Jit tbeir homes wlie.i tboy b>ok f>»r rest Ttie esbibition of t!ie le(ter writiug j) g worru n siuce t!ie rtvolut on h«s efiectnal!v pr ven tlieir nnfitue9s for dabbliug in po litics. s*nd n< bo<ly has iecogn z <1 that fact more than the p. g. men