Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 98, 27 April 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


V ! — Xlie “foar compjiny” rejimental bnll toi k )>l«ce !»st eveuirg. fb>.iny weatber, as predicted. - - - Labor Las been n»ed on the race track at K ipiolani park and pn>spects point to it being m excellent cocd tion for KameLaineha dav sports. ! * Ben’ was ti ie«l today in tbe D strict C*»nrt. There was a verv large anuienee. Tbe Barean of Infonnation propose to meet n*-xt Wednesilay. E!ection D.y next Wednesday. The Anstralia will carry a very lie !vy c irg>» to S m Fr.«ncisco. besi«les the v.i!n:«ble freight in p;i!iSiTg-ir8, on her departure tomorruw noon. The Araerican(?) Leagne mem teis seeui to be nonplussed with the p g oath. The Puradise of the P cific is •mt Tho Dii!ey Co. prove their popnlaritv by the quiikness with wiiieli tlie seats fur S«tord..y J i n glit’s performance have hoen ' sold. - The nuction sale of books by Auct;oiieei Morgnn. t!.is morning presented opportouity for inany | burgaius. ' TTnm!et” is a prom : sed stnge • rcdiuticn. I v tLe Dailev Co. iu ; t!ie near fnture. L J. Levey wills.ll two lotn iit Kapioluui Paik, on Monday 1 ! nest. The pile-driver is st.ited to have "tnrned tnrtle” ag>iin, in the harbor; all hands saved. Josie Gassraaii is going to prove ! wl.at slie knows abont ‘ Peck’s Bad Boy” t«>roorrow afternoon at tlie Operu House. — Tlie Flower Mission Society. hehl a th:s afternoon nt llie Y. M C. A. H .11. Funds 1 fr<>rn the Fenst of Nations bizmr were rcceived and phiced in the treasury. Peek’a B«d Boy tomorrow >fteriiooii iind SLadows of a Great City tomorrow evening at tbe Openi Ho>;se. Mrs. G ms’ illnstnted lecture ou “England and AYindsor C istle” will ba given nt the KawainliHO Ciinrch t!iis evening. Lccture begins at 7 45 o’eloek. Stockliolders of the Pacific H udwaro Co. will n:eet on Monday «ext. Mr W A Swinnerton the geni•d secr»tary nf tl»e well known ; firm of H. S. Crocker & Co. of S,«r. Francisco is p.-«ying liis nnnnal vis t to the “Paradise of the Pac.fic” at )>ivsent. T :, e Gnmd anny > f the Republie is celebr«ting toduy at tbe Midwinter F.«ir inS«u FrancUco. Tlie fir-t Circ>iit Coirt will e >mmence t!ie business «>f tlie May lerra u week frora next Mond «v, Mav 7tli. • • — V« le.mo travel is increasing. — The sale «>f l<>ts ;«t Pearl Uurbor is uot as exteusive as expected. — The p. g he«d-bunters are ! j after inore vicl : ms as there are ru.«nv hungrv ‘ triod and traa” suj))>orters, yot out in tbe cold. Tlte fin»l acoonats iu the estate of tho late Walt.»r Murray Gibson were j)resented f«r ex«raiualion in Chambers, before Judge j Mut ; uv, Uk1»x*. — Jndge Coopcr has approred tbe final ueeooiil of C. B dte, ailmin istrator of the estate of the I«te Adi«i|>h Ascheira, decaase«l. and the f«ther«if thedecease«l livingin W ngr.)witz. in tbe Province of Pmssi>«. has receipted for the s«im of $ 0.673 66. hilinee «*f ttie , MUee allui pay ,ug fchu dobU. *