Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 98, 27 April 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

T H E A^W^^OEO, Anheuser-TBusch Brewinnr Co. w«* the l?rize at the 'WV>r*lci. , S with their li AGL II J3ranci 13eer. St Locis Oct 2S, 1S93. 5Iessrs. Macfvrl.vne <fc Co., L’d . Honolniu, H. I. Dear Sirs: —We bave mnleJ yoa a copy of the Globe-Democrat annoauein" tbe gre it victory w m by t!ie Ā.nhecser-i>csu AssocutIO.\ with their *'EAGLE” Braud of I3aer. [Sigued] ANHEUSEE-BCSH BEWING ASSOCIATIOX. m k & 5S m . X ARK. * m % 5? VIin © <T <35 R1SH1HL lu onleriug tbis Beei besuretuusk Iur tbe ‘ EAOLE’’ Brand. Alacfarlane Co., * Mar. 14- 2md. A;ient*tnr Haimiian I*lunds. AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Racc Record: Fourth Heat 2:15 Made at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. Sire. Protnpt«T, 2.30.">. hy P.l o BnT1. 7. r >: D >tn. firaco, by Bnocnnoor, 2,6ō0 Pr ,mp*er is olso the Sire of Apwe, 2:30; Tr>msit, W.ilker 2:23}; W,iles, 2:27 ; CUi<M, 2:21: and o{ the D»UiS I nilmnliue, 2:17 anrt Vigor, 2:28. “Crfoi.k" is iet hl iek, oue h>nd white foot anrt siuall sfr>pt in feee. \Voight. 1,050 poonds; is vtry stylish, gentle, a gooil pri>rtncer nrt » pau>e nee I orse, Will sfi-.n ! f«>r a linntort unml>er of maros at nm (?•>()> DOLLAt.S FOR THE SKASON, p.iynb!e at time of service. This horse was bred iu 1892 to forty-six mmes anrt prodncert forty-t<vo oo ts. feb 17-im 13 H DAVIS. ORDWAT & PORTER. Robinsnu Bhch, Hotd St., betwcen Forf and Xuuanu, Have Jv.Ft F< c< A* d. |fr J i {«> / n r \r V. <1 e 1 t} 1lu<1 < [ EUR MIUEE Ever lmj oitcd to t' is Countrv, Coroprising Handsome Carved Bedroom S:ts 1« Solitl Oak, andof the LATESTDES/GXS. ESPECIAI. ATTENT10N IS CALLED T0 T;iESE SETS: WICKER WARE, Beant fnl Des gns < f W iek-r Ware, consist ng of S0FAS, CHA1ES, KOCK.ERS, eto., vou e.tu get tbese in any FINISH v<> i <\esire. CHAIRS, Conntless mimbers of CHA1RS. iu everv stvle, i:iclading OFFICE nnd HIGH CHĀIKS. E2ZTSlTSIOIT W e b«ve had a im«iber of ca!Is f >r tbese T«b!es. u ith CHAIKS t> mateh. WV b »ve now in stock t!ie m<>st BEHJT1FUL D1NING R30iV! FURN1TURE EVEK SEEN HERE. Sideboards and Chifibnier» | jyDI -\TA. 2NT S , iD‘vans covered w>tb PORTIERS nre becoming qait*> tbe nge in ‘p.laee of LOFNGES >v«- m iunfrtcture t:ie<o to ordor, und have a laige stock of PORTIEHS to sel ct from. BSDDI1TGGre<t Assortment of WOVE > * W IKE MATTRESSES—Sprīng, H <ir. M <>ss. W''>o! «nd Stniw Mattres-ies on lmn<l mul ma<le U» order. ! L1YE GEESE FEATHERS »t.d SILK FLOSS fur P.l ows. CRIBS. CRADLES. etc. \VlNDOW SHADES of i*ll co!ors and s:z s. C0K X 1CE POLES. in woo<I or br ss tri<«<mings. ZE3 B BI 2>T <3-. H<ittresses, Lounges »nd all l pbolstered Furuiture repaired at r* aso *able r. tes. CABINET MAKING. in «II its braucbe8, by Compeaeot Workmen. MATTING LA ! D *nd Ini rior Decor.ti g au«ier tbe Su|»ervisiou of Mr. UEORGE ORDWAY. Our G<h»*Is >re F rst C1 *ss. and •~ i nr prices are tbe lowest Come and -be e -nvtnced—a tri >l is s l»c ; teiL Be'I 525. TELEPnosE8: Mnt’tai &45. 0BDWa¥ 4 PORTER. Uohmaoo IKoek, bet«eeu Fort «nd .Naaanu*