Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 98, 27 April 1894 — The Chinese Bill. [ARTICLE]

The Chinese Bill.

Tbe immigrat:on nct that w«s before tbe Councils ye*terdny failed to pass. Bnt tbere are prospects tbat at tbe next mett ing tbe objectionable bill will become law. The committee tbat bas bud tbe bill nnder consideratinn bas given way to tbe planters all along aud tbe only point on wbicb a firm figbt was made was in regard to tbe olause tbat admits tbe importation of Cbintse as “domestic servants.’' Tbat clause damns tbe biil becanse it opens a loop-hole for free imnr>igration. Aud for tbat j>urpose tbe government favored tbe retention of tbe cluuse in tbe bill. Tbe countn* would, if tbis bill passes, be flooded with Cbinese “domestic servants.” Mr. W O. Smitb said tbo otber day tbat tbe comj>etitiou of Cbinese eomplained of, by our mecbanics and storckeopers was not created by “domestic servants.” Tbat is nonsense. Nearly all tbe Cbinese store-keepers bave been “domestic servants” and tbere is notbing in the j>ropused act tbat ean probibit any “domestic servnnts” from **stablisbingbimself intrude. How is tbe governineut going to enforce tbe clause tbat provides for tbe return of Cbine.se after tbe contracts bave expired? It is common!y stuted tbat a pro minent Cbinese mercb«nt will leave by tbe next stearaer for Cbiua for tbe purpose of br<nging 4000 Cbinese “agricnltural” laborers to Hawaii. When the contn>cts of tbese 4000 men cxpire and tbe goveruraent tells tbem to go bomc it is more tban likely that tbey will say “no” aud stay rigbt wbere tbey are. Of courso tbe goverument migbt try to use force and put tbem bodily on board tbe steamer, but even iu spite of CoIonel Soper’s military ir«ining (at tbe luncbt«ble in tbe Presidio) tbe government will fiud tbat it bas undertakeu a pretty tough job. Tbere is one point tbat our wiso men baven’t tbongbt of iu connectiou witb tbis matter and tbat is, tbat H« waii in ber relation to Japan b«s assnred tbat conutry tbat no largo number of Cbinese sbaII be imported to Uawaii. Tbe govern mer.t will find out. if really. an attempt is made to get 4000 Chinese to eome bere, tbat tbe Japaucse governraeut basn’t for gotten tbe agreement aml tbat it will make tbiugs pretty bve!y for tho pro-Chinese p. g. of Hawaii. And we cannot aflbrd to get iuto more mess and more eompliea tions tban tbe “smarties” wbo run tbe sbop by tbe grace of Stevens bave alreadv brougbt on tbis uu fortunate country.