Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 98, 27 April 1894 — The Best Man. [ARTICLE]

The Best Man.

Tbe loy»li>t; of conree do not | t«ke «ny active p .rt in tbe condng I eleeliou to a ccmstitr.tion;d eouI vent;on. Nevertbe!ess. it is cf j gei;eral inter»>t to see t ,«t tbere wili be s r >u.e men in the conveni tion. tb«t euinei be led by tbe missi>'Daru 8 ar.d pl«ntere, «bo of course wiil hive tbe m >joritv. Of tbe Hooolula deleR:ites t t!ie:e are a few whoro:gbt beconsidered f.tir y rej>res«Lt it ve of tbe com munity. Judge Robertson will, of couree, be el» ci» d by tbe nse c>f «n accumulated vote aud tbe two Portnguese c«ndidates will go in. ina ' similar mai.ner. Tiiere are tbree more candid«tes. and we co> sid. r it gocd j' , o!icv for t!iose r.ot pledge»l to R Vivus or Fernandez to gatber «ronnd tiie best m>n and elect bim by «n aeeamulitive vcte. Mr. H. Kiemme seems tlio most ii.dej>endent unJ m>»t liberal of the cmdidates. Ho is represeuticg tbe German colony and he is distinctiy auti-mis-sionary. It is s .fe to state tbat lie will watcb t!ie iuterests of the ! working classes «nd fight agiinst I «11 «ttenijits to fi!l tlie con»tituI tion with missionary m>nsense like prubibition and old f..shioned Sund«y Iaws. Messrs. King Ables und 0. L. Carter nmy ull | be ver} r niee aud comj>etent men, bnt tbeir business is so cl«isely ! connected wilh tiie cup;t.ilists j «nd planters tb«t it cannot be presuraed tbat tbey will take an iudej'.emlent staud. Let «11 tbose wbo desire to seo some fairness iu tbo conveation c.tst sis votes i for Klemmo. Altliongb we don t ; botber about tbe convention or recognize :t.s work we bel ; eve in 1 seeiug one man tliere at least who liiis bis beait iu tbo riglit sj>ot.