Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 99, 28 April 1894 Edition 02 — PERSONAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


Monsieur A. V:zzavona, left by tho Anstr«lia today covered witli leis. The baud pl.iyed the Marseillnise in liouor of tbepopular cousul. Hon. Paul Isenberg, left for Genni«ny «fter a short st«y, tliis niorning. It is ruraored that Mr. Isenberg may make Hawaii his permanent home. Hon. C. O. Berger, whose health has been poor for some tirnes dep«rted for the “old country thia morning Itishoin-d ; that Mr Berger will retnrn to his fami1y and his adopted couutrv mueh improved in health aiul after an enjoyable trip. llon. Paul Neumann haa gone to S«u Francisco 011 a bnsiuoss trip. Tho genial attorney was sarronuded with friends and sin'>thered with flowers when tlie steanicr left. Admiral lrwin, Lieutenant j Adams aiid Ens : gn Pamentor * took pnssfge by the Australia to- ‘ ( day. All three gontlemen leavo many frien«ls behind tiie«r.. Among ihe large murtber <>f outgoing passeug* rs by the * Aoatr.iIiM are not;ce l the followmg luunaaina*: MrsT R Foster. , Mrs Hasslocher. Mrs Ivers. Mrs * j Tenney, Mrs Noouan, Mrs Cropp. r Mrs D nbar, Mrs Kerr, Miss « J‘ines. Miss Glade. aiul many t others to whoin Hoeolnlu s«ys ' j uu mviV. Mr. Ch «ries Creighton who has si»eut a few weeks with friends ou Molokai and Lm«i returue«l this morning Iooking ? i inneh iraprove«i iu health and i ! ready to “argae.” 1 Am«>ng the arrivals by tbe Ki ' nau this morniiig were Mrs. Ha- * nai Parker and Mrs- M .ry Sti 1s l mau fro«n Hawaii. * J..hn P. P.«rker is iraproving and will possibly soon b« able lo get aronnd. 5 Mr. aud Mrs L. von Tem|isky, j Mb-s Wodehoose and Miss L j \Vodehonse returned frotn M«oi 9 this moruiug. * \lr. Hay W«jdehouse i» still in } a precarions coud«tioo althuugh s tdowly improyiag. , .. _ - * a Jlis. C. S Kyunejrslc:y. and Mr. u aud Mrs. 1L Wail.oe arrived tiiis ' Moriiiug