Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 102, 2 May 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


The 9tmrner WiTr‘moo h*d be*.-n s gLWtl at 4 p m. Tiie UoarJ < f HeallU may not raeet tbis afternouu. Bosiness today is iloller thau tue proverbi«l "Jitch tvater.” A larpe araount nf coal arrive.l totl.iy fr<jai Nuweaalle N. b. W. Bcts are freely m.«<Je that tbere w 11 uot be a 12uO votes polieU. A!tliongh the stores are open| • for bu>iue>s tbere bceuis to be uo ! custouiers. A barrel of Frc-dericksbnrg wili j be on t-»p tais eveuiug ut the Anchor. ilr. Abr. Feroumlez liasret’re<l from the busiuess managemeut of j tlie Holomi a. Tbe Y M C. A. bad nu Marcb 31st l. st two liuu<lred mulseveutyfour payiug members. Light wluds toilay from the , n<>rtli east. Weather inducive toi everybudy trauspiring. I Tlio delegate election hns been j pn>gre.ssiug (piiet!y iu Honolului outiyiug distr.ets aud. — | j TIus should be the gre it dayj for tlie secret League people, but| tbey do not seem to be ‘‘m it.” H milet is liurdly withip. the | scope of tlie ubilities of the professional performers no'.v in town. The one Cfth of a ra iu’s vote is iu<Lc»tive of evolutiou fr<>ra tlie braius of an ordinur}* everyduy i curter. Mr. II. H. Wells tlie “war governor’ of V.rg nia, after the wur, leuves by tlie Wamiooo for pustures new. Qneena to l»e presented on Tln;rsday eveuiug is a one ciiar-| acter plav as it were, M<ss May I Nauuary liiliug thotitle role. T!io steamer Ataineda is dne liere toiuorro\v from tiie Cul<>nies eu route to S.in Fr.aicisco She will reuiuiu, but a short time iu port Messrs. OrJ\viy and Porter display their res»urces bv tlie showing made of samples of t!ieir stock <»f furuitnre as Jisplayed at eaeh Opeia House perforraauce. Col. Slior\v,HvVs spacions aml comfortab e b itii.i<g gronnds lias received mauy visitors daringtbe past week. The Colouel iutends to open a register for foieigu visitors in the ne ir fature. Sans Sonci. that pleasant plnee \vbero niine host Simpson and his ngreeable wife imlaee all comers to drop dull c ire is receiving deserved pitrouag-3 frora fushionuble j»eople. J iraes 01<ls the proprietor of the Empiie S iloon kas a<lde«l to tlie popuhirity of !iis est<blishment by the ud<Vt <>n <*f «u nlucuted raixiologist versed in tlu uit < f c«»ncocting seductive ex hiiirat ug beverages.