Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 102, 2 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

E, B^o I>TPORTERS_AXD DEALERS T>* Oroceries, Provisionf=* A5D Peeel, EAST CORNEU FORT A KfNG STS. New 6oods Rec'd By evprv P«ckot from tlie EHstcrn Sfntes nn*l Enrope. Frpsh Califormn •’nvfnce bv evorv ste:,mer. All onlers f.i thfnllv jttten,le»1 t». nnd (»•> ,l< rlelivereJ to anv |,«rt nf the city FREE 0F CHARGE. 1Or lors S *iicite>l. Sit sf -eliou Gaar.,ntectl. Po>t OfTice l»ox N • 14ā. Te!»*i*hnne N'». 92,

Eit ib:Lshed 1863 Pione2r Sleam Candy PACTOilY BAC5ERT aal ICS CREAM PARL033 F. HOIiN' Pr.»priet >r. Wedding and Blrfhday Cakes fo Order. Fancy Bread nnd Guava Jelhj . Kjiot >ry an 1 Stor-, - Nn. 71 King S;n-et. B >th Telephones 71 Chas. T. (Mick| NOTARV PU3L!C For the of Oaha. Ageut to Tnke Acknov* Ieilgments to Lul»or Coutr act.s. Ageut to Grant M.irriage Lieen ses, Honolahi, Oahu. Agent for tlre Haw’n Islands of Pitt s Freigbt auJ Parcels Express. Agent for the Bnrlington l\oate. Rsal Estate Broior ani aenapal Ar c nt Bell Tel. 318; Mat. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE; No. 38 MERCHAM 8treet Hnnolaln H GHAS. CiRDLER, Importer auel Conimissiou Merchant SPECIALTILS: J. k P. Coats’ Maehine Threid Jou w Bnx)ks’ M.ieliine Threa,l; Barbour’s Lineu Tlrread Peaw’ Soap P._0. Dox 35S. Mataal Telephone 35f 13 Kmihnm.nn Street. L.4B0E EUEEAU. i I 1 > I ■ ’ THE AMERICAN LEAGUE B*-gs lcave to aiinoanee thut ’.t Iihh est ib isheJ an E.npl‘>yoient Bnremin eonneeiion with the, Amerieau Le*gne We willhe, pleased t» fnrnish you with skilleil or unskilled lal>or w.tho' t »ny fee for the eng>giug snch h>bor. The ! abnr enr»lle>l with us is of tbe fol!owiug u at.ua ilities; Araerican, P->rti’g;iese, H *w »nan. Gennan, And other Enropean N >tionalities Begging le»ve to open a corres|H>ndeuce with yoa on this sabject. We īemain, Yonr obed;ent servants, The Axesic.vs Leaoue Ex?loy xzsi Bca£AC. cC£T AtlJretvsnll eomm;micitions to THEO. P. SEVERIN. Secret »ry. m»r 23-tf, P. O. Box 408. WANTED. ABRIGHTBOY MUST HAVE a horse to deiiver newspapers. App)y at ihe EOLOMUA OF FIC£, liumuk» B.ooL, Eiag 8*ww Xl.