Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 102, 2 May 1894 Edition 02 — The Cruel Man. [ARTICLE]

The Cruel Man.

Tbe Siar hae Melv Leen very qniet. very uiee uml very eonserv it ve. La«t nig'it its edit >r Lroke luone »>giin, iin«l be weut on tbo rampjtge. \Vb»tber be Witi mad nt being exbib-ted iu 11 1 e A‘lverti*er, or lie tbongbt thut bis heiUh denmnded a dis cbarge of bile we d<» not Lnow Rut we dec'are tb>it a more nn kind, and emel Httick on mortil man w,«a never made tban t!ie l»ro|H»sition of tbe Star tb»t Mr J. Nawalii be e.tlier bauisbed or j.iiletl. Mr. Smitb w>mts tbe * d.ingeron8 person” «ct |M8se«l r gbt aw*y, aud immedirttely npplied to poor Nawulii. He 1hvk tlie fadore of tbe p. g.,aml tbe aunenlion can.se ut tli9 d>>or «f Joseph «nd c«lls liim ditngeroas Anytbing more impolilie could baully btve been publisbed. NawuLi b ts been saffl-ring fmm a ,swelle l (aud sore) bead ainee tbe rcvolotion. bnt nt»body eitber on Oalm or o*i tbe otl»er islauds bave worried very nmcb ovor bis sickuess as it «ns tboi>gbt tbat time woakl cnre tbe n<it uneomtnon illuess. But tbe malady bas been seriously aggrieved by tbe Star's rasb, uud uuwiirranted fict in calling tbe sick geutleiaan “dangerous.” WLile tbe increase iu bisd sease is tobedeplored, it is uot tbe worst result of tbe Star’a imprndeut act Tbe disease is infective, aiul tlie next tbing we will kaow is that tbe Star will eall Busli, nlready s»milarly ariected, daugerous,and ad vncitc bis deport;ition to Sam«.i. lt is about time tbat llie Slur and its snpporters gtve np. nsing a Iaiignage tbat bas been deservedly cotulemned by all parties. Tb s is, or shoald be, a free country, aud if tbe governmenl ouiycan h«ld its owu by violence aud aibitrary measure8, lbe quicker it steps down and out tlie bettcr. Tbcre is mueli roore dangcr to the governmeut from tbe Star »md its backers tlmn from Nnwahi or any otber uative HaWuiian.