Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 102, 2 May 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Wnn reg ml to the sironff dennneiuiion by lbe Atlrerti*er lat«Iy, of tlie occurreuce of spani»g cciite8ts it is «>f interest lo know lli«t Yale C«»llepe wlneii so nmny of onr niissionary friends speak of with pride as their Alenn Matter bas pone one worse tban Hnrvanl iu pntronizinp tbnt pnrt culHr bniuch of «tbletics. Sotne fool<sb boys at Harv.ird. wbo huve nn»re money tli.-i 11 pood seuse or self respect. tbougbttbey were doiup a smart tbinp wlien tbey iuvited Bruiser Corl»ett fo C>uubridge »nd dined «nd wineel h'-m Tiiis "8|Hiitinp” set tum ble»l over eacb otber to g< t inv tatior.s to tbese d:nners. or lo obtain inlroiluctious to tbe «lup g- r, und mad« silly «-xbibitions of tbemselves and did what tbey conld iu thnt w*y to bring disrespect on their nliua mater. Yale men bave crossed tbe line (i decency. whioh the Harvard men nurrowly avoided, by nmkinp tbemselves fmrties to a brntal pr £e-dgbt and otfeuders agaiust tbe )aws o{ tbe sUlo of Couneticnt, whieh it is to be bo)>ed will ba strongly enforced ap.inst tbera. Yi»le meu bave put a iow»rfu' we»poo in tbe bands t,f tbose wbo opp«'se eo.lipe atbletics by tbis jierfonuance. for it is uudrrst'.*od tbat the patrons of tins prize fipbt were tbe atb)etic crowd iu tbe uiaia. Tbis piveS qmte a backmg to tbe cuuteutiou tbat tbe telidonc> of C* liepo attilet>C6