Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 102, 2 May 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

~ — . I Sir Arcbibald Alianu is one ol : lbe latest Eiiglisbm»Mi t<»fipnre; »mt to his own satisfaction tb it i Britain still ru!es tbe wuves <>r at least c;in make apr ttv g->od tr\ for it. He finds tbat Gre.it Br.t fin bas now of b.ittle sbips 4Ō, coast defeose vess»-ls 1S t*i uisei*s annor ed and unariuored 132. Tbiv! sb'iw.ng niukes Enplaml ub"iit eqnal to France and Russia, wb«* owu togeiber45 battle sbips. 51 coast defenso vessels und 101; cruisers, while tlie raeinbers uf tbe hiple allinnee—Germany. i i lta*y and Austria —nave47 battU j sbips. 13 fur coast defensH aiul 72; oruisers. Tbe Er.p!isb flect is well distr buted for oflensive «nd tle feosive pnrp"sts ia case uf »» !• umpeau war. lu tbe M»-diter mnean, Fmnce is natnral!y stionger tb »u Euplaml, bnt »»«ldj tbo cb mnel fleets of b »tli to tbeir res|»ective Me«I terr.me m sq iul r«ins. and Eeg and iiNs27sbi|>sJ uf «11 pra<les iu fipbt np «»rder tu 22 for Franoe. Al son's eone’uvi »i s froui tbe.se fipures is tb .t Great Brit <in is at present iu iine sbape to tbro\v Sbe halanee «•» p<»wer beavily iu f.«v» r«»f tbe s:de sbo niigbt juiu n a stnfebetween| tbe greiit po *ers, but iu oider t»»i staud against a-c»ntiuectal eoiu-i bim«t.ou sbe uee«Is to m..tcriul y 6treugtbea ber u.ivy. I