Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 103, 3 May 1894 Edition 02 — Constitutional Makers. [ARTICLE]

Constitutional Makers.

It bas been rumoreil that some | “Professor” or otber in tbe ' States bas been hired to frame a ; constitutiou for Hawaii. We are 9urprised to bear sucb a rumor. A look at toe meu wbo are at tbe disposition of the Hawaiian Nation for tbe purpose of writing a conslitution will fullv sbow that • no outside belp is needed, and ! tbat, as Mr. Athertou puts it, tbe hand of providence is guiding Hawaii. (He evidently bas a mortgnge on “providence.”) ! W’bat better constitution makers . could huv couutry desire tban j tbe following. i 8. B. IK>1« lawyer (3 degree) i F. M. HaU-li “ (2degree) jW. 0. Saiith “ (nodegre«) i Ceci! Brown “ )oh! deai) !C. L. Carter “ (1J degree) A. O. M. P.oberteon “ (?) J. A. Krng ex-skippex 'V.C. Wilder ahipping-bnsiness John Ah Ena “ “ S. M. l>amon profesronal "heir* | C. Be*lle “sngar‘ E. Snhr “ I E. Tenney “ IA. Yonng •• John Xott ,p!rmber J. Fjnmelnth tinker ! W. F. Allen pro(essional “trnstee'' : H. \Vat«rhonae coanter-jnmper J, F. Morgan anctioseer ) L. C. Ahlea “on īee’ Meudonca j Tira* Portngnese Feruandee 1 I Knnaiakea “prince- , D. B. Smith * hand*omo" $3 a pau Besides these there will be 12 more *‘sngar' meu from tbe otber islands. and sucn an intelligent assambij. will frame a constitution aud form a government suibble —to tbemselves and tbeir iutercsts. If tbey think that tbe nation will stand quiet by and look at such a crowd making fools of themselves and of the coantry they are sutfering ander a vexy, very great mistake.