Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 103, 3 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters A>'D Provision Merchants 9S Fort Streot. - Honoialn FAiuilies, Plantations anJ Sbi}>s snpplied with choicest Eurojpean i(-J inerican Grocerits California Produce by EvenSte^mer. OCEANIC SteamshipCo Time Table. LOOAL LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. AniTe Honoluln Leave Honolnln fn>m S, F, ror S, F. Feb. 24 Mar. 31. Mar. 24 Mar. 3. Apr. 21 Apr. 28. May 19 May. 26. June 16 J uno 23. Throucfh, Lino* Frora San Fr.*.n. for Sydney. Arrive Honolulu CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STKEET, Mdnerny Block. JOBBERS 0F WHSTES, and SPIRITS NOTICETho partnership heretofore exUting between Freilerick Harrison auj Arthnr Haniaoo, under the firm narne of Harrison Bro». as Contractors and Builders, has heen.by mutual consent di.ssolved, and all parties owing said £rm are hereby notified that payroent of the same must be mada to Frederick Uarrison, who is anthorized to settle said bosines.s within thiity days f t om date. Fbedebick Har&is05, |Abthcb Habeisox. Honolala, H. L, Mirch 27th, IS94 mar 28—Iw. LEW1S 4 C0, fcholesale and Retail 6ro AJTD PK0V1SI0N DEALEBS. FRESH CALIPORNIA SALM0N ONICE By Every 8aa Fraosi>jco Stduo«r. ix Babbels a Specialty. /// Fori Sl., HokoIuIu Tel. 3jo, p . O, Box 3yy.