Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 104, 4 May 1894 Edition 02 — “Qneena." [ARTICLE]


I The productīon of Til»otson's . beaatifal society drama of . i above name by the D.»iley Troupe Jat tbe Opera Hoase last nigbt , adds anotber triampb to those beretofore «chieved bv this corap»ny. Shortly after the arrivai of this troape in Hoaoiaia tbeir »liligence in study, devotion to; rehearsal and preparation, as , weil as their refioed deportraent w a tiie t.aivers.»l est»*eno. They h.»ve proved themselves actors who act. with rnany former eompaniee, Honoluln has not beeu to them mere!y a plaee of resort or vacation. Knowing the h:gh critioal taste of the Honolulu audieuce. they have catered .lo it by placing on the bourds ■fuvorite dn»ra»s, rendered witb their verv best endeavors. Their i conscientious attention to str.ee' details, and their evideot desire to wiu appreciat on h.»ve not been in vaia. Tue housas whieh greet them amj>Iy attest the popularity of tue tronpe. The rendition of Queena was a lield night, Miss May Ntun.trv showed by her masterly eoneeplioa of tbe character assigned to ber an iateuse reserveof dr.»matic force bronght iuto play. Shei has acted well hitherto but last j night‘s eflort was a revelation. | Her fl;ght of transport, fnrv, . frenzy and despair were real and awful »t onee. not the monthings of a p»id actress, but t!ie mtural outbursts of a wronged and out- i raged woman. Mor*irner Saow acted his pirt with e ilm dignitv that added to, ratber th.tn de tracted from the j>athetic portions. Mr. D.»iley was a very gallant !;tnd amorous old gentlemaa, yet his acting was good. Mrs. Bates out “batesed’’ herself. whieh is the highest compliment that ean bo paid her. Mr. Couners scored j auothor hit in his coaracter of VN iikins. Ha has sbown his wouderful versatility in eaeh appear.tnce. He is excruciatingly funny bnt funny with that eeeen tricity and odJity whieh reinoves j his acting from the raalms of the eommonplaee. Mr. Bennett ap-1 peared to botter advantage last i eveniug than on auy other oeea siou. Mr. Lloyd acted his part with great force and spirit. And Miss Genevieve Nannarv gtvesuch heartless and hanghty spirit to her cast as to alKmte the syrapathies of her auditors I completely from her a high eomj)liment to the fije!.ty of ber acting. Miss Gassmau filled the ohl Iadv’s part acceptably. The part atForded no scope for her talents as a comediam. Tt»e \ whole performauce won fresb j laurales and tbe success of. tbe ( Dailey troupo is assured. , - I