Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 104, 4 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

THE Pr1Zē P\WJ\f{QED. Anheuser-I3usch Brewino: Co. wūk the Prize at the ‘\V r Orld. , S With their 1CAGL K J3raud JBeer. 28, 1893. St. Lons. Oc Me<srs. M.vcfarlaxe & Co., L’d., Honolaln. H. L Dear Sir$: — AVe have mailed yoa a copy of the ''lobe-Democrai announcing the great victory won by the Āshetsek-Bcsh Associatiox with their “EAOLE ’ Braud of 13eer. [Signed] AXHEUSEIi-BDSH EEWING ASSOClATION. i 51 & <? i HK. & % <r rsw6S ■lu ordering this 13eer besure to ask for the “EAGLE” Braud. Macfarlane & Co., M.ir. II- 2md. Agentsfor Huwaiiun Idands. AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Cai. Sept. 23, 1893. or, 2,505, hy Eke BalL 75: D,ei. Graee, hy Baccaneer, 2,656. Prompter Apex. 2:26; fr:msit, 2:26’,; Va!ker. 2:2.1 S; Wulea, 2:27.!; Chico 2-24-is Bnil;autine, 2:17 and V lg », 2:2S. •‘Ckfole’’ is iet hhek, one hmd Sire, Prompter, 2,505, hr Bl r o Ball. is slso the Sire of and of the Dams white fo<jt niiil small stripe in fase. Weighi 1,050 ponnds; is veiy stylīsh* "»utle a good prodncer nn i a pame raee liorse. Will t(and for a lunited nnmber of’ mares’at FIFTV (|50) DOLLAKS FOR THE SEASON, p:iyable at time of serviee. Thi.s horse was hred iu 1602 to forty-six mares aud producd forty-tvro coits. feb 17-im 13 H DAVIS. QEBWAT 4* P0RTEE, Iiobinsoti Block , Holel St., lilween Fort and Xuuanu, Have Just Pfceiv»d, fer lale AiiAale, lle I tip£ft Stcck cf FUR MTUEE Ever Imj Orted tcthis Countr_v, Comjir5siQg Handsome Carvd Bedroom Sets In Solicl Oak, andithe LATESTD£SĪGNS. E8PECIAL ATTENT10X B CALLED TO THESE SETSWIOKLEH WARE, Beant ful Des gns <’f W iker Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CaAlRS, EOCKERS,etc., vou ean get thes FINISlvou desire. get these in any Conntless numbers of CHAIKS. i everv stvle, OP^ieE and HIGICHAIRS. EXTElTSiaT TABLES, We bave had a number of calls i( these T;»bles, with CHAIRS mutch. We have i>w in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DININ(ROOM FURNITURE EV£E SEN HEEE. Sideboards aid -:- Chiffoniers 57DIVANS.^ D vans covered with PORTIER.‘are becoming quite tho rage in plaee of LOUNGES-we mnnfacture Uiem to order. and have a laige stock of PORTIERS to se<t from. BEDDIITG-. Great Assortmont ofW Oi EV WRE MATTRESSES—Spring, H>ir, Moss, W<>ol and Straw Mattre»es ou hand and made to order UVE GEESE FEATHERS an6ILK FLOSS for PdIows. CRIBS. CRADLES, «. W INDOW SHADES «.all colors and siz’S. CORMCE POLES, iorood or bnss trimmings. Mattresses, Lounges and all Jpholstered Furuiture repaired at reaso<ble i>.tes. CABINET MAKIN6, iu all itbracches, by Corapeaent Workmen. MATTING LA;D *nd Int rioi)< ecorat;og ander tfae Supervis on o£ Mr. GEOKGE ORDWAY. Our Goods are F.rst Gbss»nd nur prices are the lowest Come &nd be e >nvinced—a trial is s « ted. BeH 525. tel?hoxes: Mntnai 645. *BDWAY £ POBX£fi» &rbi|oin Blook, befrween Fort aod Nauaaa