Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 105, 5 May 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Tbe Octoroon at the theatretonig'ut. Tiie " ai»le-ale arrived in port frocn this nc«on. Wind t' day a ea>t of ■?onth. Weather vr.-it.Ti. T< e u>Tr»I Sutid.iv ooncert t e l’« rtngTese bind is effected lnnj>rovemenLs in the Post Of fica are mov!ng forvrar l to eompleton. Mr. John P. P rk r is strongr-r t«nd pr- s*rit indicati ns are more f voral .l#>. Another Smith l.as added t > tl*e Sfur stntf. A white Smitli tbis tiuie. The A!a-ned i tr*uk forw;ird 273ō let:ers and al>oct a thoas:ind newspapers. r ilie members of the Theosophieal Societv \vi!l meet at their ■ t!l t >:norrow **vening Th'.‘ expeuses oharged to drug gi>ts aleohol whieh they wi.sh to t tke out < f bond is liable to be. like the <leohol, rednced in tbe near futuro. Jr. II y Wodlions8 s r port<d to be rest:og e:.s ; rr <ljri- g t!<e pist forty-e ght Iinur5 aud s m ug’y r-covre:ug streugt.li. M ijor Wc lter.s is to be congrat ulat <1 as well as the patient op m Mrs. W >l{-‘r's cli iuga foc tlie better frotu a precarious condition *>f liealih. A pickcdte«m from the C!iainpiou will pli*y a team from the Honolulu club, atcricket, on tlie nld liecreation gronnds at 3 p m tliisdiv. TIie contest proraises to be c!ose au 1 therefore verv ! iaterosling. The fnueral of the liile Dr ! G-o Trou.sst an will be comliut d irom tIie familv residence on • Punehhowl street. insteadof from t!io Catholic Chnrch as meniion;ediuthis raorning's AJrrrti*cr See uot ee olsewbere. Tiie e!ection retnrns from Hawaii Maui and l*mai are in aud sbow l.tlle of intenst except that Loy»lists havo repraiued from registering and votiog. I) H. Hitcbcock, F, Lyman, D H. Kalaulileo, Holstein aml Kanhane, are stated to have been elected de!eg.ates from Haw.ii; H. P Ba dwin, J. W Kalna, W. G Horner and J. K. Josopa from Maui, and from Kauai two Wilcux saiul W. II Kiee.