Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 105, 5 May 1894 Edition 02 — The Coming Convention. [ARTICLE]

The Coming Convention.

If the proj>osevl Constitntional Couvention evt-r iueet->, it will j>robablyjdo so l>efore the end of lhis mouth. From the retnrns. g ven in. it is foaad th »t the fol!owiig j*ersons lay olaim to eleetioa, uot by an unrestricteu j>oj.ulir vote. but by reasou of the jH>tver and prcst ge of the 0:ig-.rchie j>. g. oath of saj>p rt wh;oh \vas oj>oa to all Iata ::rriv,»Is Fol!o\viug is the li>t: tot»l votes c»st, incladiug ail the ;siauds, 2.503 out of 14.550: Oaha—A. G. M. Kobcrtson, O. L Carter. A K. Kunniake», (*loubtful) L. C. Ablos, J. M. Vīvas an*l A Feruaodes. Hawaii—D H H:tchcock. F. S Ljman. D. H. Kahauielio. H. L oisteiu an»l J Kuihaue. M iu;—J. W. Kiiaa, II. P. KaUwm, J. K Iosena aud W. Y floruer Kau ii— \. S Wdcox, G N Wilcor aad W. fl. ILoa. Total eighteea in additioa tu the aiaeleoa meoabers of tbe | j £kiecutivo &ud Adviaojy Ouueoila-