Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 105, 5 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

th RIZE RDED, Anheuser*Busch Brewin" Co. Wim the JPrize at the YWVT*lcl’s with their KAGL I3ranrl I3eep. 5x. Lon*. Ocr. *2-5, 1593. ME-'.'Ila. ilACF\HLAXE ifc C'3., L’ū., Hoūoililn. H. I. Dear Slr*: —We bave mailed y>a i copy of the Globe-Democrat Hnnooncing the great vietory woa 1 - iha" Xsheuseb-Bcsh Associatio.v with their '‘EAGLE ’ Brand o. Jeer. [Signed] ANHEUSER-ECSH LEWINO ASSOCIATION. k 'M o: ■■■ ■ 0/ & 6 <? V A'K V . - •V LJ3 s =- a-- * :s i N * * <8 QIJRt5HiV& rin ordering tbis Beei besuretoask for the “EAOLE” Brund. Atacfarlane & Co., M;tr. 14- ‘2ud. A[/ents for Hauaiian Idands. AT THE CLUB STABLBS. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record; Fourth Heat 2:15. W o Made at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. DOLI.Attj> I*OK FHE S. AS.»N', p iv-i $ ut luue j f serviw. Thia Ljrst? was breJ iu 1S.0 to forty-six murei uu 1 pwiluea.i for:y-twj co.ts. feb 17-im 1T ir DAVIS. 0R1)\VAY A PORTER, - 'V Robinsou Eloele, Hokl St., heiumi Forl and Nunanii, Have Jnst Fr ce ; v< d. pr I i-le Aii;\c!p, ll e I nftit & f e e k cf FUB MTUEE Ever Imj orted to f is Couutry, Comprisiug Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Soli<l Oale, andof the LATESTDESIGNS. ESPECIAL AHENIION IS CALLED TG TdESE SETS; WICKBH..WARB, Bouut ful D *s gns <*f ic5 r W are, cou-dst ng of SOFAS, CHAlBS, ItOCKERS. etc., v >ii eun get these in onv FINISH v<» 1 desire. Conntless njmbers of CflAIBS. in everv stvle, iuclading OFFICE and HIGH CHAIKS. EHTEITSIOIT TABjLZ1S, We buve had a nutuber of culis for these T.»b!es, with CHAIBS t> matcb. Wd huve now in stock the mosfc BEAUTIFUL DINING R30.YI FURNITU3E EVEli SEEN liEllE. Sideboards and Chiffoniers x> i -vjh. 3xr st „ 1 D vans covered wlth PORTIEKS are becoming qaite the rage in plaee of LOUNGES — w«» aiunufucture thetn to order, and have a 1 latge stock of POBTIEBS to sel ct froai. BEDDI1T& jGre.it Assortment ofWOAEN WIBE MATTRESSES—Spring. H dr, Moss. W >ol and Straw Muttres'es 011 l,an 1 and inude to order. LLYE GEFSE FEATHEBS ,..;d SILK FLOSS for PiLows. CBIBS, CBADLES ete. WINDOW SHADES of ull colors and slz s. COB'«ICE POLES, in wood or br<ss triuimings. B IK X 2fl" CK Mattresses, Lounges ani all Upholstered Furuitore repaired at reasOi*able n tes. CABINl.T MAKISG. in all its bruucues. by C<"»mpeaent Workmen. MATTING LA!D md Int rior Decor..ti; g uudar the Sapervtstou of Mr. GEOBGE OBDWAY. Oor Gootls ;<re F rst Cl ss, and our prices are t‘ae Iowest Come 1aud be c>nvinced—a triul is s *liclted. Bell 525. T£LEPflOXE3: Mntuai 645. QBDWAY ii POBI£&. IWwnaoa Hiook, bo4voea Eurt ood Nuaano