Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 105, 5 May 1894 Edition 02 — Church Sevices. [ARTICLE]

Church Sevices.

Tiie servico~ >>f t!ie ( »t rtdr»l ! C ncreg »t:on «>f St. Andrew ~ j C.ithedr.il f r tomorrow are as | follows; 6:30 a.m., Hoiy C n- * mnnion; ll a.m.. n» rning service * and s>;nmm; 7:30 p.ia.. ev<*u~ >ug »nd s»*ru»on. Thfc scrvices »>f the Sec<md ’ Congr.‘g.iti<>n of St. A;,ure\v s Cathednl tomorrow (Snnda\ will Ke hs fulIows: 0:45 a.m., H<>ly C‘>mmunioa w t!i sermon; S,»nc tns and Kvrie. s;nart in G: hviuns 34!>.»ud323; Nune Dimitti~, EIvev in A; 6:30 p.ia., evens*>ng with sermon: Magoitlc.it. Dal>uisin G: Nune Dimittis. Gilbert m ! ; \ntiiem, “If Ye L:*ve Me. Keep Mv Coni:nandraeuts. by Monk; hyinus, 210, 1S9 :»nd 28. Ali are invited. At tlie Centra1 Uni.m Chnrch, cor. of Beritauia and Bichard sts. s“rvices will be hehl as ful!o\vs: Snnday School at 9:45 a.m.. Pnb lie Worship nt 11 a.m. and7:30 p.m. The Yoang People’s Soci ety of Christian Endeavor will meet at 6:30 p.m. All are conlialcy nvited t>> tlicse service~ The Y*. M. C. A. inembers will hokl serv.ces on Snnd »y, 11 a.m., at Oahu Juil; 1:15 p.m., at the Barracks; 3:30 p. m., Bd)!e study at Y r . M. C. A.; 6:30 p.m.. Gospel praise service at Y. M. C. A. Raorg»nize»l Chnreh of Jesns Ciirist cf Latter Dtv S»ints; Mililani Hall, rear <>f 0|iera House. Services will b» held on Stiuday as follows; 10 am.. Bibl« class; 11:15 a. m and 7:30 p. m.