Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 106, 7 May 1894 Edition 02 — FOREIGN NEWS NOTES. [ARTICLE]


In tbe H >n.'C of Coraraons. Mr * Deais R;ibriJe. «nii-IameLle •oeaiber for South Krrrv, move«.l the seconJ riad ng of tbe Jris!> ; L»nd Xennrs B .11, a measnre *to prevent lrisb landlords fro«n * misiug rents after tenants have effectod iajprovement« to their holding5 The second reading wi«s HgreeJ to bv a ra»joritv 89 Tiie LonJ<»n T<mes th.at t!»e Cok>ni «1 C<>nference toi be beld at Ott.«wa. C«m«J.i, in -luue.will be f«>!l<>we«i bv anotber ; c«)»ference be!J iu Loiulon npon tbeqaestion of tbe nmteJ Jefeucoj ■*f KuglanJ :tnJ tbe colonies. Itj Jenies tfce asserti«»n tliat the Ans \ tr«li:«n c <l«»nies are se fisblv j imposing upon Brit«in tbe c<>st; of the P;«cific cable au«l mail sc!iemes. A refas:»l to co-oper-! ate, it :«JJs, m»y Jeprive Gre «t Britain. in case uf nee«i. <>f the res< urces to be obtuiueJ byj uniou. Dronght in Gennany. Anstna.| anj F« mee is ci«is:ug alami i amongst the f«rmers. The Convention «>f Unite«l St «tes Miue Workers bas «>nlereJ a gener*i stnke of miuers. to take | plaee <)n Apnl ‘21 st. An University Extension C<)ngmss wiil he hel>l in Lomlon i» ; June. It will be presi«1e«l over bv tbe Dnke «>f Devonshiie j T!i« Anstr.tlasian Uuiversities j b ive been inviteJ to se»J «le!e gites l<> tbe c>mgr-<ss. lf t>ie> sliou;J be unab e to s n 1 >1 leg «tes tbey will be ;«sk.-il to a|»point Jeleg«te> liere t > r -present tbem, :»n«l t» forw.nl st»teni-nt.s w th !r-*g»rdto t!ie progns« «\f tlie : Uuiveisitv Estonsion moveineut I in tlie col>>nies. Tbe Tnsraaui:«n polilieai crisis i ; h:»s beeu enJ •<! by t!ie fonu «tion i «>f tbe t<:llowi>ig ministrv: Sir i 1 EJward Br..J«l<>n, Premier, I w«thont a p »rtf *li ». Mr P. O i Fysb, Treasorer. Mr. W. Moore, j I Cbief S*cret»ry, Mr. A I C1 rk. j ! Attorney Ganer»l,' Mr A L’. j Pilling. Mmister f>r luids, Mr. Tbom:is Re bv wiil lio!d a porti folio witbont otiice. Tiie Fr«ncb press has col«llv received King Hunberts ass»r ances with regard to tlieprofoond symp;»ihy lt»ly felt for Fr.«nce aiul tbe desire of tbe Triple Allianee f>»r peaee. It :«dvises It.lv to witlulr«\v from tiie Triplo Aliianee T’ue Octoroon w»s perforineil i bv tbe Dailey Co. to a well fi!led j b<>nse on 8atunlav eveniag. Tbe manka si«le of II tel street is having improved s'.dewalks. I fringe«l witli gr.inite cnrbing.