Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 106, 7 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HWH holoimAi, 18 rCBLISHED .•>]verv Afternoon EICEPT SUXDAY BT THE Hu’im-aa ?ublishing Co. At King St. (Tbomas b!ock), Honololo, H. I. sT:n:i:?r::r. ?er 3&nth, 50 ea. T e r»r« r U hy C«rrierH in the uw i nii r i «n1mrh.. Sincle Oouie*. fjr -*le •f t ir NVws De»Iers anū at the Office of pnb ication. ED ’U\D NOF.R!E, - - Editor GēO!\GE E. S'JITHIES - Manager XOTICE. All Knsiness CiramoPtcations shonl(i be «.l i:<---.-i to Abratuun F-mamiez, HonoInln, II. I. nTresti..noence anrt (. •nmunnir»tlons tor pnb'.CHtion«honlil liemi.ln"—nl to the l»itor Hh« nii Holomna. Xo noiiee will be paid to a HUoiiytuous oouuunnications. Husiness Oards A. P. PETERSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offl. e; 11,1 Kaahnmann S*reet, Houolnlu Uawaiian Ialands. CHARLES CREIQHTON, ArrORNEY AT LAW. Offiie: 11.3 Kaahnmann Street, Honolnln H.iwuiian Islauds. PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORNF.Y AT LAW, 314 Merchant Street, Honolulu Mutnal Telepbone 415. CLARENCE M r . ASHFORD, ATTORNEY AND COrNSELLOR AT LAW. Offlr>'. Ohl Capi*ol BnildinR, (Honolnln Hale), ad}oining Post Office, Honoluln. JOHN LOTA KAUI.UKOU, ATTORNEV AT LAW, Oflu‘e, e<irner King A Bethel Sts LEWIS J. LEVEY, Re;d Estate and General Auctioneer. Oon:ar Fort an.l Qnecn Streets. Honolnln Person«l Httention g ; ven to Saies of Furniture, Renl ElstHte, Stock aml Oeneml Metchandise. M ’tnal Tc!erhone C3S A. ROSA, ATTORNE\ AT LAW, No 15 KaHhmnann St., Honoluln HawHiian Is1ands. THOMAS LINDSAY Jfa n nfiuiti ring Ja nd Waleh maktr, MoIuerny Blwt. W5 Fort, Str. Honolnln 2llmr>ire Saloon, JAME8 OLDS. FRoPRirn>R. Fire Wine& LiquoP$, BeeP, always on hand. Coru«r Nunanu a&d HoteI Strwts 341. Po«t Offloe Box 107 W. S. JLUCE Wine and Spirit Merchant U<r mphell Firr-proof Block, M£ROHANTBT. HONOLULU.