Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 106, 7 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Bu5;iness Cards II. LOSE, !Xotarv Puhlio. Collector and Gaieral Business .-1 <jent. Patentee of Lose’s Chemic.\l Compui ni> for Clarifying Canc Jnue. Suh-Agent t<>r eineml of the ' Best FIRE IXsrRA.\CE ros. Mncn&! v P. Box 338. Citya Meat Market Oue< n Kmm» Hall. F.sr ,i.!isbed 1883. .103. TINKER, : F /\[V!ILY eiiiel^E^ Maker ofthe r> lrl>raf>>* Cambhdge Pork Sausage ! Tky Theji. Meat Delivered to Aay Part of the City aud Suburb». Mutual Telephone Nuraber 289. T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU ST.. Honolulu, : : H. 1. GENERAL-vNn Commission &*■ -Mc Merchants — AND — SUGAR FACT0RS. ac:ents for Lloyds :— Bntisli and Foreign MaHne Insnranee Compauy, l.iniit«.|. North«rn Assnr.kuce Co, tire & life. Pioneer Line o( PaekeU frotu Lfverpo*>L 1 iwaiiau Line of Packets. eauaāian Paeiōe Railway Co. and Canadian-Aiistraliaii St3amsMB Co. Liverpool Okku ē: The 01.1 Hall|St. I 3RUCE & A. J. CARTWR1CHT 8usiness of a Fiitucmry Natnre Trea.«»cted. Prouipt a?tention piven to the manaeemenl o( Eat>kteM, G uidiainbi{K, ImhU. etc., etc., etc. Oifces, : Ca. iwrigkt Builāing, Merchant Street. Honolnlo. GHAS. GIR0LER, Iraporter a»id CommissioD Merchaut 8PBCIALTIiS: I J. k P. 0»t»’ Maehine Thre*.i Jooaa Brocks' M.«clnne Thre» t} B*rboar’'>Linen,Thread 1 Fe*relSoep 1 P.JU. Boz 3->S. Ma*.a«i|Telephotie 334 13 K*»hnm*r>a Street. L£WIS i CD.. Wholesale and Retaii |6ro AXD PROVISION DELVLERS. FRESR CALIFORNU 5ALM0N ONICE Bv Everv 8an Ftmaciao> Skeun«r. in B*kp.els A 6P£l IALTT. /// Fari\Si., Ttl. jjo. * »A Wm 0fj,