Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 107, 8 May 1894 Edition 02 — Francesca Di Rimini at the Opeara House. [ARTICLE]

Francesca Di Rimini at the Opeara House.

The j>erf«)rm meo tonig!it xt th«Oj..,r;i Houae. when B;tker s Francescii Di Kimioi j)r<)ia:s»;b 1<> , be li.e gr*;it<-st success of tlie se«s «n Mr. Dailey bns sp;ire.l no ttf *rts m piodocing the wrllknov.ii plny m a in<iuner wortl»y of the high rauk <>f his compnny. The cost<imes will snrj>ass »uV thing seen m H <nolala. BesiiDs the full f.<roe of the comptny (excej>t Mrs B<tes) tbirty extr s will appenr on the stage. Th- 1 snccess is assured and the few sents not vet sold wili be t ;ken before the iloow open tonight. Tiie e «st is as foIl«»ws: Coacti lMao!utn iioe baucht»ck( D*nei Vm(un i Coo al i’wk . lii» brotter). . M. -rtipiet Sik>« | Ope ifjr y->trr Cb ;&. Conuon. Ri«»ici Wa». Beauet>., Goī«ki e i Dl*in Ik.>y«t ' R*ua* V,. B. , Kniielu J >uu Bo»*ri! j C«|)iiiul W .RD«Jje’ Fr»rce-*o* Di Uiaiiu» ii*y Nauo»ry ■ HiUa* (bef Oialil J»*p-lue Oawuanu j Suliwn, CVTanun; Ac. |