Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 107, 8 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Insura noe X otice». I 1 Fire, Liife <& Marine I INSURANCE. HAKTFORD FīRE INSCKAN'CE CO.. Assets. $ 7.IC9.525.49 LOXDOX LAXCASHIKE FIRE IXS. C0.. Assets, i? 4,31 < ,052.00 * THAMES MERSBY MARIXE IXS. CO„ Assets. •$ 6,124,057.00 XEW YORK LĪFE IXSURAXCE CO.. Assets, 1137,499,198.99 e. O. EEUOEU, General Ageot f *r the Hawaiian ls aods, Uouolahi INSURANCB FIRE & MaKINE. THE UNDERSIGNED 1S \UTHORIZED T0 T \KE F1RE and MAKINE RISKS ON I3aildiii2;s, H.nlls, Caro-oes, Freis;hts and Commissions AT CURRENT RATES, IN THE EOLLOWINO C0MPAMES, viz: 4 R')ifal Insarcin.cc Company, - LiverpooL ALlianee Assarance Fire and Marine, Lonāon Wilhelmaof Madgeburg General Insurance Co San Insarance Company, - San Francisco ,T. S.WALKER, Ajrent for īfa\vaiian IslanJs. Tei.epho.ves; Residexce: Bell 351 Mutual 410 Muiual 417 P. 0. Box 117 m E. B. THOMAS, 5 C0NTRACT0R and BUILDER Estimates Griven 011 A.lldvinds OF KKli'K, IKON', SĪ0\Ē 4 WiOOĒN BULDINGS All Kinds of Jobbiag in tbe Building Tradc, Attended to. KEEPS FOR SALE: BncK, eime, Cau»eat, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, Old «fe Naw Corrngated Iron, Minton Tiles, Qaarry Tiles, assorted sizes and colors; California and Monterey Sand, 6ranite Corbing and Blocks, etc.. etc. l Corner King <51 Smith Sts. OFFICE YARD: •< Office Hoon. a to la M., ( 1«.