Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 107, 8 May 1894 Edition 02 — Another Tinker. [ARTICLE]

Another Tinker.

A large nnmher of the p. g sup-porter-are busy mak ng'eonstitutions and it is to be dep!ored I tbat onlv a limited number of them ean get a cb «uee to air tbeir views on the ti >or o{ th> e *nventon ha.ll and make tue ro.if I vibrate cnder tbeir w.ld an«l ast«>und ng idea-. The 1 «tesi sp->ciiii-t in constitntion-m«nu-f;t t :: ī .g is M; .1 i -i *- 'X. G:raiu U; -..f Sin D.<-<!i He is .»ut in the A i ■ (i'-'e t>iis m >rning aod tel - us ali «bo<it <t. He ov«.-rI«K>ks -t few p ».nts. but neverthe!e-- h - writing faruīs ies a g > »1 -x*:up!e ;«>f what w«* e*n exp**et fr.>m the geiitIe:-K-!i who «t s »me date i«r i - jpp >-?<l t-» g«ther t<»gethor a d p«ralyze the worhl witb tlieir wi-loni Mr. Girvia make- « isligbc error tbu>igh wheii iie j )j»ens i«is «rti«’ie bv siying. “A eoMvsnti iu t<> fnra« a eonstituti »n h.iv'iig l»een c <ile«i «nd ;he e.ll li.«ving b«-«*<i res;><<nde.l t > l»v t;ie j»eO)ile by the:r eleeiin» I-legates, to wlioni they i»ave «lepnleil tha j»ower t<» frarae a couvention Tlie Pen/i'» h «sn’t >1 »ne any ' thing «»f tne kind «n lMr. Girwin i- j>erfectlv awire of it. Au • -leelion w«s un.l * ubfctdlv hel«l :»l whieh ll g >ver:imeiit oflicials a iuraber of illiter.»te Portuguese tnd a few nieu \vhose interests re raerged in the j». g. went t<> tiie j)olls. B.it Mr. Girvin will .:ertainiv not eall such a motley cr iw.l tt»e /»' >p'e. H«»wever t!ie ioint in Mr. Girvin’s letler that ve esj>ecially desire to eill «tteut on to is the fr «nchise clause n whieh Mr G rvm suggests thaf a lihenl fnnchise s.ioald oe gr «nted. L beral iadeed it voald be bec.iase it incl.id4S )veryb »dy who eiu re«d and .vrde HiW.iiian or any E »rope’m I «ngu ige—except Asi;«tics—nu uitenal of the length ox their rcs;dence here. We sh*ll not Iwell on Mr. G.rvin’s error iu ui[»|)osiog f.»r a iain.ite t iat s.icii * ciause eonKl be tolerated. be j.mse we h »ve fr«-quently |)oiuted >.»t that the J »pmese g >vern oeut wdl iusist in. or if neces- ■. rv enf >rce its demands for eqn*l riglits f»r its citizjus m Ttwaii. Mr. G rvin also naeds to be reinembered of t!ie Cii:iiese Protective Uaion tiie object of 1 vhich powerfal orgm z»tion is t > insist in the s«me privil Jg)s «s granted t<» any otiier cl.iss of >eoj»le—and who e «n resist when ti»e Chinese insist: If Mr Girvin <g.in sliou)d ocoupy his s;»«re K»nrs with fr un ng constituti >us .v.* s!i »uld pr )i»os • t > him to give is s )iue s iggesti.»ns how t > m «i.e « coust)tution uuder whieh n<> «lien, but onIy natur«lized citizeus ean vote aud thon fig.ire on th» eventual result of sich a iroT sion und the kic*kers ther-> would be. As Mr. Girvm prot 1 >oses the fr«nchise clause a!l the !’ortuguese woulei virtual!y be lisfraiicbised aiul then iu.leel the p. g. would h ve a pienie. 8etw«-eu t!ie Portugnese, tiie Ciiines«jy the «f ij) iuese, the secre- • «eagues,'the foreign j>*wers, tiie sore-heads. the radioals. the > c>»nservatives. the plauters, the bo\Hllers and fhe other m!s r sion.*r;es; the cnrreotiiess is e«si y seeu of Mr Girvin’s fi ml st«temeut that the convent on •v 1 11 not b;«va a pieuie. a state neiit that he im>nediatelv sp»ils 1 l»v dding that the couveution is * n ‘ e >mjK»sed of men who c.«u b*-i I trnstqjl to do justice to the work.' Verily we are incline«l to l>eiieve - that l»etween the efT..rts of ilessr-. % Dole «nd Corap*ny ami Girvinj aud the olher “professionais” i tbe old order of things will be ■ restored and h«ded wilh a sigh. ; of relief by tba very polit cal in . 1 f«uts who tore the Hawaiian; 1 g<»vernu»ent toy to preces to see what wus insule. HU«1 now whine; becHUse they cauuot in spiteof| ; all the hi>me-made or 5»uporte«i [».»i«ti«Mil t;ukors put īt toge*.ber - !