Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 107, 8 May 1894 Edition 02 — The HistoricaI Society. [ARTICLE]

The HistoricaI Society.

— \ We fu 11 y a"i*ee with t!ie A hrr-ti-<er tli it the Histi>riciil Society sliou!d pn>cnro h ti e of the Hoi.omi'a, aml |.lace it next to the A iverti*er in tbe du.st on tLe sbeives iu its ro »ms. The reisou wliy it liiis not been done before is tbut the Society lias been nin as str.ctly politicai, and tli.it tliere was uo incliiiiitioa to .-ee tlie “uttier” side preserved for the beuctit •.{ fnture liistorims lt is t » be hoped that if it really is the intention to make the HistoriCal Soc ety useful evervthiii" whieh m y be of in- . terest or help to the stiideiits of Hiwaii’s history will be g t!iered an 1 properly takenoireof. A.11 civilizj l e >autries h »ve archivas iu wiiieh every scnp of paper bi> iriug up >u puhlie m tters are preserved, and wliere the searchei after trutli ean have acce«s to all uecessaiy sources of iuforni ation. And Hiiybody «ho k>iows anytbing about tbe study of history will kuow that tbere is no better source for a couipiler ;ofhistory tii »u the newspapers. lf on v a siu f 'le class of these 1 . ' . is preserved tlie history will be une sided, nntroe aud couseqoently better uuwrittcu. The .4 leerti' r< judgment of the present and f iture value of Uio HoLomua , is H itteriug in . the extreiue. jPn:se from tbat source wouhl !! h ive bcen ratber damaging Tbe muueiouh s iggestions m tlie (>ast , rel.it.ng totiie snppression cf tiie • UoLoMUA. the deportatiou of the . editor, aud tlie extenuiiiatiun . of everyb >dy comiected with it . togettier with the puhiie stiteiueutof the Attorney General th.»t no uue has injured. the cause of the revolatiouists more tban tbe HoLomua , aud tbe dittering quot«tous frum and remarks aoout us m Cougr ss pp»ve ib*t the Holomua bas done its duty. j Nobudy ewr accuse«l tbe Adver‘(i'cr,or ever will of beiag any-. tbmg but m<«t positively hanu-l-ss—at Iei«si to its opponents Hcwever, we have no objecti«»u to be sbelved w:th our moroing coutenq>orary. Oail for a ti!e aiul I bite it. 11