Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 107, 8 May 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


— JV\> s»ot hoU ?er ' cbc ov»non.i of ihs c:terac«~* at oei j »rr«ivOC Wn^.) El»itob Holomua: >iow as th« eoni «ntr ite<l w;sdom o( tb<? H iw iina Isi.-»nds nrv iiboot fr»ojing a oew Con<titation ; »e >ii?g* 3< t t ) tlu)se wor- , thies the stody t*f the .-} B 1 « f *l'<e fnnd iuoenta! !<rinciples of civihz ed governmeiit. and in »»rder to : achiev<» this. we w»nid farth»r ■•nggt , '»t t ti»eQj to »- irn by beait t(ie f<»llow ng p*»rti<-n of the j»re (iuble < f tlie *‘declarat!on of iudej'eh<lence ' wbicb reads tha»:j ■•We hold this traths to bt-self-evnleut th»it ull n»en are cre «teil eii'iai, that they ;»re endo»ed bv their cre.it»»r witb cei t iin ina'ieiiHhie r ghts —that amnug these »re l.fe, libert\ j»n<i tiie pnrsait <*f li »ppines> fh.<t t • securo tliese rights .;<»<rnimtiih | urt inMitu(nl arnong moi, <lrriv ( ing ;heirjn<t pov'rs /ro*n Ine eon i * niof tht <jo':true l; t!u»t <vhenever j»nv form of g *vern»uent becomes d» stn;ctive ot tbese cnds, it i* Uo righl o/ the to alter or ; d}tolixh it . oU’l t>> i uxf Unie a neu , governinent, l<ying its foaud;i-j tions ou snch principles aud <'rgj»uiz;ng its |H*wers in snch furui »18 t>> t!ieiu >....11 s<*em most likely to etTect t eir safety and | htppii;ess. ; ’ * * * \Voalso woaUl rec>»mniend to them the perusal of the *'Id U of rigats from seveml C>»nst;t itions of the St«tes of the L’iiion; the “Bill <»f rig ts” of t!ie C,»nstitation of 1890 .»f the St>»te of Mississip|»i | Sec. V !ind \ I rej»d thns: Art 3 Sec. V. All politici»l power is vested in, and derived from the people; j»11 governrnent of rigbt originates witli the people, is foumlcd npon their w.ll only an 1 is inst:t;ited sole!y for the goo<l <>f the <vh<»!o. Sec. VI. The people of this St de lu»ve t!ie inherent sole i»nd exc!asive right t<) regnlate the internal g<»vernaient and poliee tliereof, aml to alter Jin<l abolisb tlieir c<>ustituti<»n and form o? govermnent wbenever they may deem it uecessary t>> their s <fety an<t l;appiness; }>ro vided such c(i mge be n >t repngnant to tlie C»ustitutiou <>f the Cn ted St <tes. Art 1 “i>ill of rights” of the Loaisiaaa Constitntiou of 1879 reads as fullows: Art 1. Ail governroent of riglit originates with the pe »ple. D O is founded oa the;r will al'Mie. aod is institntfcd solely f >r the g.iod of tlie who'e, deriving its jnst puw rs from the conseut of guveiccd. Its < nly legitimate emi is to pi<>teot the citizens in tlie enj>)y»uent of life, l>berty and propertv, W be>i it assumes i other f»nct:ons it is nsurpatiou and <)|>pression. B t these are repablican prin ciples aad tii <t is just wh <t the Missi<>narries aro ;<£raid of anei ' do not want; th ref >re we sb<»!j iook w<tli some iaterest at tii<outc<'iue of this couveution if .t ■ should me<-t .<t ali. whieh bowevtr is verv d->ubtful under exi»ting circuuistauces. A MERICAX.