Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 108, 9 May 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, i Coffee Roas‘ters AND Provision Mercliants 'J8 F».rt Street. - ft noluia Families, l’laDtations an-. Ships supplieil with choict 't EurojH-an x-I merican G.”Cfnes Californi« Proiluce bv ixery Sxe'iiaer. . OOKAN rc Steamsliip Co Time Table. LOCAL LIN lv S.S. A.i;sTRALIA. ArrĪT« Hon 'lnla Ponolala fn>n» S, F, r<>r S, F. F. b. 24 M«r. 31. Mar. 24 M«r. 3. Apr. 21 Apr. 28. M.ty 19 M iv. 2«. June lt> .hire 23. I ūneFrom San Fnn. f>r SyJney. Arrive Honolulu i From SyJpey for S.in Fnnclsco. Leave Honolulu. CAL1F0RNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STRET.T, Mclntruy Ba;ck. JOBBERS OF A\ r X N vi id SPIRITS LAB0S BU£CaD. THE AMERICAN LEAOIE B»-gs loave to «nnnane* tnat it fias est.il) ished an Emph>ynv;n* B ire«u m connectk>a *ith the Aioenean Leigue We wiii be p!easeil to fur:nsh you vith »kil!ed or uuhkiileU labor withont mv fee for tbe engig ng snch Ubor. The !abor enrolled w th ns is of tbe following naliona'Uie»: Americsn, P*>rtngaese. HawUian. Oennan, And other £aropean N ,t onaliiiea lo*ve to op*m a correspondeuce with voa on tbis snbject, W e remain, Tour obedient senrj its, The Amf.ricax Leioce EmplovItE.ST Bciuuc. Advlre*» ail eomm ; nie itions to THEO. P. SEVERIN, 8ecret- ry. mar 2S-tl P. O- 498.