Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 108, 9 May 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Wind ligkt, N; weatker pleas ani. M*y-Blossom tomorrow erening. A eoeial at tbe Centrai Union tomorrow eveDing. The bnrk lrmgard was tele phoned at 4 p. m. Tbe battle «»f tke Coanc*ils take& plaee tomurrov aiteruoon. Jlicychsts &re pr>icti.siag for the eouiing llth of June mces. Msv Biossc-m a “ comedvdra ois ’ is l»illed for tomorrow ! eveiiing Auutlier bittalion driil is pro posc*d for Friday n;gkt uext, if it does not raiu. Tkirteen. n -t ten days. the tioio of tke bark C. D. Bryant s last trip kitker. Tue time of Francesca da Ikimiui w sab ut 10J yeurs “lou previous.” T;ie b irk Irmgard isnow hourly expected to be ke> rd froiu lin Dmuoad he.id. A'lmiml Wnlker uiid kis aides were entertuiiied iast eveuiug Ln tke Ckief Just;ce. There is no definite dute set for Ike retui n uf M irskul Hitciicock to his keadqaarters. The debr s oatsida the E J ost Olfica indicates that the interioi repairs are yet unfiaisheJ. Mr. Hay Wodeho use is now in aftirway to recover. qaic lv, h s old healtii und streogtii. Mr. J. M. Yarn«.lley is obtain ing desarved putionige froiu th(>se wkose pianos need tuueing. Mrs. Gans will presentan illus trated lectura of l*aris nt Kawaikao Churck on next Friday | eveuing. Tree-trimniing would be u i beu«fit to |vedestriiins on Mori chant street between Alakea aud : Uicliards. Mr. A F. Peiemon has been ; confined to kis home for sorue da_\ s pu>t by illness. He is now improving in ke dtb. Tbe F n on S. S. Monowui isi ! due kere t >morrow froiu San I Franci>co with mail and news dates to tbe 3rd inst. Don t forget D,m. Lyou’sdio <*ing clfisses at the Arion, on Tuesday aud Friday eveningsand Suturday aftcrnoons. < Sever.il burglars aud thieves have latelv k*6ea lil>erated from ! j;iil «nd Dettctive Lnisen is apt/ to be kept busy iu tke uearfutare. I Tlie riee blrds havebecoine tooi ; maeh oo tlie fiy for tho Japunese; I bird-iiiuer aud be and his pole! *re uo loager seen on the streets. i Uusiuess in all liues of trade is exceedingly dnll. lu the profes siotis, especiuilv tbat of “kuights <»f thesock aud buskin,” bnsiness is phenominaily good. The officers of the Stranger’s ■ Fnend Soc etv are as foIlows; ! Un. A. w. M«okiuto«b ,...Preaident II rs. T. W. notrun 1 .. 1 Mu* P*rke | .... V,cs- IWdmt ; Mrv S. M. D«(upd SemUir ■ Mrs. E. W. JonUn Trea»uper — Mneh comment has' l»et-n beard on the truly origiml! i ;cdartisticfiotr«l ofieringgiven byl Mr. and Mrs. Lntber Wilc«»x to ! the memory of tbe l »teDr. Troas i seau. — Tbe rem«ins of John P Parker will be t keo to Waiaaea, Haw.nii. on Fr.day. by stearaer Kmaa for interment iu tbe P»rker family vanlt A foiteral sevice will be ; beld tomor»ow (Tborsday>at 4 j p. m at the family iesideuce uu ' Stree^

Tbe Bo»rd ol Bealtb is meetiog thiS afternooo. , Tbe Crescents are the LtToritee for next Satarday. O, Walter G. ’tis good to see, tbat you 3re vet at San Sonci Mr. L. A. TimniODs is one cf tbe Iatest aJditions to tbe Siar 'tatf. Th- M .nnerchor society meel this eveniug at th -ir new ball 01 Beret-mia street. Knickerbeiu ;tnd Kuaimel ci>cc tuU ire sj>eoi:»Iti-*s of M tjor Wolt-rs ;»t t!ie Pacific H >tel. Th« Sf»r “prayer” seerms to have 1 een heanl, tlie needed rest t i the ditor, h tviog heen obtained. Mr Wellesly P irker the ginial tdveitising ,gent \vife ftnd family tre bcoked foi tiie Soath by tte steamor Monowai. A niaimee j>«rforiUTiice will be civen bv tiie D tilev C<>. on Siit'ii*l»v. “l'nele Tom's Cabia" will b * the play. M .ss D >ra Lamb a eapah’e sten»grapher aud c>reful typ>writer iuhv be fonnd at Honolu a Hale n -xt the Post otfice. The stockho1ders in the Hawiuii «n Sug ir Co., will receive a diviJend ti»ioraorrow, May 10th. «t the office r»f W. G. Irwin Co. The theosophists celebrat‘>d “white lotas' 7 day yesterday. The i«ccasion is the annivetsary of tiie <leatli of Mme Blavatsky. An <*X'’3lIent opportanity is nuw * tfered for a good investm©nt j by .Mr. Thoniag Kronse the j propr etor of the pouular Eagle House. See “ad.” Kx Marsh il Wilson was honor- ; ably discharged yesterday l>y Judge R >bertso > fro>n the obargē of conij»licity in tlie 1 at-> uotonous ‘•Holel’’ atf»ir. Tlīt» “Twiu" mixture, whieh !ias c.iiis*-d a rosh to the Roy»l iotuI is >t b’g “tind.” No fi voring e»tr.ictsare nsed to adultemte tlie str;»ight goods always on hand. | Tbera are so muuy apj>licants “with a pull” for tbe poSitiou of manager of the lately lmiltSailor’s lfome tliat the committee are in a >vi!iudary about whieh one to put iu. The stockholdurs of the cyclorama coinj>any huve chosen for officers, president, F J L >weiy;! vice do, W. R Castle; secretary L. A. riiurston; tre «surer T. W. , Hohnn: auditor T. M iy. I Th >mas Spenc*-r who d d up j “Sei>!itor Cnnuingham of t ie : Aneh ir on a f »rged eiieek to t ie . ! HiD»unt of f-‘10 is uow working fir the Go\vrument h>ving obtaiii3d I a half-vetr s situatioo at Oiha j«l. It s rep •rted th •! the senior captiin isg<>iug t<> foliuw in the f» tsieps of the M trsh .1 aud wiil speml a ft>w weeks on M mi • ruoug the “old folks at houie.” : ; It is lucky tli t deputy-m >rshal Brown belongs m town. A jH>lice raid for obstructing ; the sidewalks conld have heen ! made at fi.30 p m. today on For. street frou» Wildea’s toMc;lntyie's c»ruer aod the or ly ' obstruction ists captnred wouid ' b«ve been the rerepreseut»tives of the HuUeiin and Holomi a. Ar:hur Fitzgerald a *‘kid' ,! abont fourt«en yem of age h»8 ■ obhiiced nol»nety in the ’ Tlier ■ beca ise he went t» the Poliee * st»tion pr»T»ded ag*inst mos- [ qniti«es »nd hunger. lf the “kid’’ i becooies a “bad uua the ' luter to bUme.