Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 108, 9 May 1894 — The National Band. [ARTICLE]

The National Band.

The Hawaiian Nation*l lUn«l nnder the lead-_-rship of Prof.; ; Libornio will give sn open air, concert at the Hawaiian Kotel' gronnds on the evoning 0f tbe' arrivai of ;he ste«imer Monoaai if sbe >tays long enoogh in nort The steamer may arrive tomorrow afternoon in whieh cas< 4 the following program w 11 be pn sen-. ted and whieh iucludcs several new eoiiij*ositions; P.*rt I. 1 M*rcb—*‘D.>nuiL»n;~ 0«fT , 2 UT«-rtnr? —‘•Piwl an-i . . . \nppe 3 C»>m -t —“U » .->>i m» Mir*r ■ " i't-i«-err * 4 Seiev.t;>>u — "H.iwaiiin S*jugs- (bv r*qoestj .Li umio - >ongs. P»*T IL 5 sjx«phon<> S.''.o— Lilinok »• laui*..... i i >m;o g LaT.tone Sv«io— tn*-«r ..... H rtman . 7 Scho«Usche —••Koao.-. 3 ,.«e r> Viairiqne a G«»lop—“rom:»do" «new.